I Nisha am a diversified individual with the profound ability to converse, interact and overall communicate with individuals from all walks of life. My persistance not to be overtaken and stricken by poverty and haters, enables me to know that nothing can and will stop me on my road to success! Speaking of which I am happy to say that you are looking at one of the newest faces of "Set It Off Productions," "Pure Glamour Productions," "Fla'Vore Ntertainment," "Blitz Custom Whipz," and S.O.S. Honies; and don't forget to check your girl out on www.nulinxmag.com as well. I am one of their newest models too!!!!!Keep your eyes open, this year is going to be very productive and it's going to fly by quick!!!My experience includes photo shoots for hair magazines, several online magazine features, print and runway!
Oh and just to let eveyone know I am strictly on myspace for networking and meeting new people. I am happily engaged so please don't send messages trying to holla at me,asking for my number or...lol..."MY HAND IN MARRIAGE" because I don't entertain those types of messages...You all would be surprised at some of the offers I've gotten...LMFAO!!!!FOR BOOKING SEND EMAIL TO: [email protected] or [email protected]
SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE!!!!Put the following code in the I'd like to meet section: