<[Hobbies and Interests>]: DriNkiN', PlaYiN' pOoL, dRiviN', viDeO GamEs, MOoviEz, tV, cHilLiN' wiT dA pEeps, CheCkiN' oUt da HOT SPoTs, juSt enjOYiNg thE oUtdOoRs, SpOrTs *****<[Favorite Books>]: ThE BIBLE, SidDhaRtha, AnGeLs aNd DemONs, thE muSiCiaN's hAndbOok to tHe MuSic bUsiNeSs*****
<[Favorite TV Shows>]: Csi: LaS vEgaS & MiaMi, sOpraNos, NiP/tuCk, cRanK YankErs, DaVe ChaPpeLLe sHoW*****
<[Favorite Movies>]: LorD o' dA RiNgs (aLL), MaTriX, meMenTo, UsUal sUsPecTs, AnoTher TomoRroW, HaLf BAkeD, RaW & DeLeRiOus (EdDie MuRphy), ShRek, aUsTin PoWers, ReSevOir DoGs, PuLp fiCtiON, prEdaTor, the list goes on....
You Are A Martini
You are the kind of drinker who appreciates a nice hard drink.
And for you, only quality alcohol. You don't waste your time on the cheap stuff.
Obviously, you're usually found with a martini in your hand. But sometimes you mix it up with a gin and tonic.
And you'd never, ever consider one of those flavored martinis. They're hardly a drink!
What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
Your Personality Profile
You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.
Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.
You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.
You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.
You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.
Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.
The World's Shortest Personality Test