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Hi i'm Nicholas but you can just call me Nick. I'm 17 years old and fantastic at drawing. I'm now in sixth form. I'm a bit strange thers no dought about it and I some times overreact. I have a somewhat big temper and the slightest thing that iritates me will probebly set it off but most of the time i'm mellow. I'm a keen actor( mostly comedy)and if I don't manage to get a job in drawing then i'll try acting. My friends mean the world to me. Their a great bunch of people. Some are a bit strange but their still cool. I would do anything for them. Apart from eat any type of nut. Hazel nut, Peanut, Wallnut ect, there my worst enemy. Well that and headaches. I drink but don't smoke. I think smoking is just a way to kill you faster. Is that hypocritical to think smoking damages your health when drinking is worse. Oh well. I have a dream for the future and it is one that I will try my best to make true. I love to talk but i'm crap at starting conversations, I rather like others to start them. I love computer games. I once shot 11 people in the head, in a row with my pistol in Call of duty4. Get in there. The best game i've ever played is bioshock for the 360. It's got everything I like in a game. One of the main things I hate in the world is Tom cruise. He is a complete and utter wanker. If someone thinks that the human race was made by a great alien lord called Zenu who took the bodys of aliens, droped them in volcanos and created new bodys for the souls to inhabit then they are insane. If someone killed him then for the first time since their marriage, Katie holms would be able to do what she wants in her life again. I don't like getting into fights. If someone pushes me too far I will fight back but most of the time I try to avoid fighting. I love action and horror films. I'm also a big comics fan and have always been. Some times I speak before I think about what i'm saying. That leads to me speaking absolute rubbish. I'm asthmatic. It started when I was very young. I'm not a very keen sports man but if I get an opertunity to play a game of Rugby then I'll take it. Spelling is not a strong point of mine. In this section there is probebly numerous spelling errors. Anyway thats me. Well everything I want to tell you. Thanks you for reading this. It means a lot.
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