KATIE AND I At DiVa's!Us LaDiES At DoC's
WHO ID REALLY LIKE TO MEET? : I'm honestly not LooKin! So STOP ASKIN! Being SinGle is probably the best part of being 21..NO MAN Can hold me Down LOL, Jk.(kinda..) But if there was someone out there he'd have to be LOYAL and patient as well as have a good deal of trust in me. A guy that's not in it for one thing but will push me to go the extra mile and appreciate the big and the little things i do for him. Also, someone with intellegence that can actually hold up a conversation. A guy that gives me MY SPACE..and is not all over me when we go out, to try n prove to other guys that im his. A guy thats a bit of a challenge IS A BIG TURN ON! (I might as well..let cha know I LOVE BAD BOYS!!)LiL Cockiness (yeah i said A LITTLE) is cute..But a lil sensitivity and bashfullness is all a good mix.((WHATS HOT?? --Guys, that can fix ANYTHING r Hot as well as Street racers, MoTorCyclEs N TheiR RidErs (ExspEciALly WhEn TheiR ShiRtless HahA =P ) N Guys That Know All bout cArs, tongue rings and Men that know how to use em ;) *wink* lol)) A guy that cares about his appearence but doesnt take longer then me to get ready!!O by the wAY... I HATE CHEaTERS! wHy Front n act like u want a girlfriend, if your just playin the game?? A man that treats me like the princess I AM LoL. Lastly, some one with a good sense of humor that can make me smile even on my worst days=] TheSE guys are hard to find.. thats why i dont mind stayin single..(wouldnt have it any other way) but hey if your out there prince charming, ill be glad to meet you. Til.. then I STAY fLy!
MorgAn n Me at FaTsO'sN e 1 NeEd aN EviL NurSe...?EvAnEsCenCe!ParTyiN w/ MobBie!
..ShAdy WouLda LovEd ThiS!!We Be BuRnIn w/ ShaWn PauLhAnGin w/ the BoyS of
NEW FOUND GLORYHaNgiN w/ The HottEst Man on EaRth lol
STIFfLER! aka Sean WilliAM ScoTT