Syfonic is a very powerful social network. It will help you to find friends from all over the world. With Syfonic you can:
* send voice or video messages to friends
* post audio or video comments for other members
* invite each other to a video chat
* upload music media files (sound or video)
* upload videos and put them to various categories
* chat in public rooms or in club-private rooms
* send each other instant messages with SyfonicIM
* have full control over profile questions and sections
* post an unlimited number of blogs
* post their classified ads and put them in a particular category/subcategory
* announce date/time/location based events
* create clubs with different access levels
* send eCards to other members of your site or to their "external" friends
* create polls with a question and a number of answers
* upload photos and put them to their photo albums
This website has all the features of MySpace, YouTube, and PhotoBucket combined!