I got my background from 123backgrounds.com
Peanuts: 1967-09-17
Paul of Tarsus, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, King David son of Jesse, Simon Peter, Mother Teresa, Hannah mother of Samuel, Boaz and Ruth, Nebuchenezzar (don't ask), Walt Disney, Dr. Seuss...well, when i think about it, everyone that i want to meet is already dead..."I BELIEVE THAT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND UNARMED TRUTH WILL HAVE THE FINAL WORD IN REALITY. THAT IS WHY RIGHT, TEMPORARILY DEFEATED, IS GREATER THAN EVIL TRIUMPHANT." "IF A MAN HASN'T DISCOVERED SOMETHING THAT HE WILL DIE FOR, HE ISN'T FIT FOR LIVING." -MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. "IT IS MY BELIEF THAT WE WERE MADE TO PRAISE AND THAT THE ORIGINAL INTENTIONS FOR IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN BIGGER AND SWEETER THAT MOST OF US HAVE DREAMED, OR THAT A SCHEDULED MOMENT COULD PROPERLY CONTAIN." -David Crowder.I would also like to meet John the Baptist, and Joan of Arc, and the three stooges... if you're wondering why i don't have Jesus on my list that's because i meet him everyday... and we talk. Although i would have loved to meet Jesus in the flesh...but someday we will meet face to face...someday...