We have moved our page to Facebook! ...but here are the details anyway:
We are London residents who are opposed to the proposed building of the "World's largest ever, highest level virus containment facility and animal testing lab being built on a Camden council estate. {Somers Town} at Brill Place. This is no longer signposted and is on the corner of Ossulston Street and Phoenix Road.
Camden desperately needs council homes and community facilities...not a germ lab. The site is very close to Kings Cross / St Pancras and Euston which have seen bombings. We are concerned that the area could become a target. The site is also a potential health and safety hazard , Foot and Mouth disease was a laboratory leak from government lab Pirbright, such a leak would be catastrophic for London. **************************************
What can YOU do to help stop this? Contact Camden councillors, especially planning chief Chris Knight and head of Camden council Keith Moffitt. You can also contact your own MP and MP for Camden Frank Dobson. Most Camden Councillors are against the lab and are concerned that their denial for planning permission might be overturned by Gordon Brown who supports the MRC lab plans. Details for contact links are in our blogs {see above at the top of the page}.**********************************
This myspace profile also serves as a petition and info site against the lab. Please add us whether or not you are from the area. {It could be your estate or area next!} Whether or not you are for / against animal testing...a council estate / central London is not the place for this dangerous laboratory. Stop the Camden Danger Lab!email
[email protected] ************************
see also http://www.thecnj.co.uk/camden/2007/121307/letters121307_04.
html for an open letter to Gordon Brown from Camden councillor Roger RobinsonFurther details and contact addresses are in our blog.
We've chosen myspace as our official website so that YOU can have YOUR say and we can keep each other updated on the campaign.
Also see www.fromdusktildawn.org.uk for more info.
Don't have a myspace page? Then you can post {anonymously if you wish} anything about the campaign / lab / your thoughts or opinions on Indymedia - http://www.indymedia.org.uk Just click on the box on the right hand side of the page that says "Publish Your News" and you'll find an easy to use form where you can write your own article / comments. Or you can email us and we will post your comment in our blog, where supporters comments have been posted.You can contact us on :London Against Camden Danger Lab
BM 8735
[email protected]
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