Add to My Profile | More Videos Luxurious AKA Ms.G-Lux but to friends and family known as LeeLee, was born Lenora C.Whiteside on September 26, 1990 in Columbus Ohio. At the age of 2 she moved toOrlando FL with her mother (Poet and Spoken Word Artist, Lenora Love Whiteside) andtwo older siblings. (ShaVonne Andrews and Mozella AKA Molly)After 3 years of living in Orlando she and her mother and siblings moved to DaytonaBeach and it was then, at the age of 6, she began dancing in and out of the church andsinging in the choir. " I never concidered myself a *singer*" she recalls, " my older sisterDelly (now known as ShaVonne Andrews) was always the singer in the family, I neverthought I could sing" she laughed.It wasn't until 2001, when she was 11, when she and her older sister ShaVonne Andrewsdid a jingle for PAYLESS where she co-wrote and song on the track, that it was pointedout that she could sing. "When Matt (music engineer) told me that I could sing likeREALLY good..I literally busted out laughing and was like YEA RIGHT!! It wasn't until Iheard the finished project that I relized that he wasnt lying" she explained.The following year after she turned 12, Luxurious, her mother(The famous Poet andSpoken Word Artist, Lenora Love Whiteside) and her sister returned to Sound Mind Studioto record with Matt, but this time not with a jingle, but with a song she also co-wrotewith ShaVonne Andrews. It was a song called "Harder Times" which spoke about teenagepregnacies, not finishing school and minimum wage jobs. " We wanted to write a songthat pointed out things that was happening more and more to our friends, family andjust our whole community really", she and ShaVonne explained. ''In the song I sung andrapped!! It was my first time rappin' on a track but it ALWAYS came so naturally to me"she laughed.The song, to family and friends was a hit, but was never really heard by the public forUNKNOWN reasons. For the next couple of years Luxurious and ShaVonne recordedsongs and was AT FIRST going to form a group until it was settled that they would besolo artists and go separate ways. ShaVonne decided to be solely a gospel artist andLuxurious decided to be hip hop and r&b."Luxurious was not my original stage name, I went through sooo many different namesits funny" she laughed. Her first name she went by was HOLLYWOOD. "People used toalways say that I belonged in Hollywood, so that's where we got that one from" sheexplain. "Then came Lil' Red and Lil' Lyrical but none of them seen to really workfor me.Lil Red was too common and people used to call me Lyrical because I wrote all my ownsongs and raps but I wasn't feelin' em" she said.It wasn't until 2005, when she and her sister ShaVonne was playin around and said " youthink u sooo luxurious, huh??", she began calling herself LUXURIOUS. Then later thatyear she wrote a song called "Ghetto Luxury" and thus Ms. G-Lux came about. "Now that I'm more experienced and I know my craft ALOT better I consider myself moreso a RAPPER that can SING, then a SINGER that can rap" she declares. She's mostly knownfor her "TAKE IT LIKE U WANNA" attitude and her mature look and lyrics.Luxurious had many talents from singing and rapping to poetry, acting and dancing.After getting her high school diploma at the end of this year, she plans on goin tocollege to get a degree in business, then going to Full Sail in Orlando to learn moreabout engineering and producing. ''After I get all old and I cant even fall back onmodeling...I'll just be behind the scenes!!!" she laughs " but either way, music is mypassion! I can get down to anythang from country to I just plan on being inthe industry for a long, long time!" she says. And with her talent, I dont see why thatsnot possible. ADD MY PERSONAL PAGE