Outrageous\Bear James profile picture

Outrageous\Bear James

everything all the time

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI like to fetch sticks with labs, look into the eyes of pretty girls while i'm on my second beer, a game of soccer where i am going to pass out from running, a book i can't put down, cooking for someone who can tell me interesting things, chocolate chip cookies and 4 day weekends! One last thing: I am your king SERVE ME NOW! please.

My Interests

Soccer Rugby, Biking, Tennis, Reading, Cooking, basketball, running -not jogging, inline skating, boxing, girls, This space is supposed to be devoted to things that interest me and that could cover a wide spectrum. Did you know all the water on the earth was brought here by comets? Why are the people in that Cialis commercial sitting in two seperate bathtubs? Politically you can find something to refute every argument conservative or liberal on the internet. MOPAC stands for the Missouri Pacific railroad. If i hear the song James Laid i will sing with it no matter where. Will my little band ever find a drummer and a bass player? Oh and i love girls did i say that? i like their curvy hips and smiling lips, the selfishness and kindness -hurray girls!!

I'd like to meet:

Your mom


Fountains of wayne, Caviar, Guns and Roses, Bob Shcneider, your mom


No Country for old men, Cool Hand Luke


Mail Call, CSI, The Simpsons, Pants off dance off


Zorba The Greek. American Gods, Kryptinomicon, The Fountainhead


Johnny Cash and Lemmy

My Blog

Chicago July 4th 2008

After a mix-up with my house keys at 2 am i managed to get a decent nights rest and made it over to Tooney's pad at 7:45 AM! Michael was kind enough to give us a ride to the airport and Andrea (Toon...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 02:42:00 PST

Hey Mickey!!

I have discovered i want a girl to feel the passion for me that Toni Basil feels for this "Mickey" in this old 80's song i just heard on Bob. This is the one where she screams out "oh Mickey yoru so f...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:48:00 PST

Downtown Bar Ratings part III

Union Park  We call this bar "The dude canoe" the reason is simple dear reader -its always full of guys-and they are well dressed! You would think this was a gay bar until your date gets felt up ...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 02:06:00 PST

A run -in with Jimmy’s mom

So i ran Into Jimmy Corn's mom the other day at the Seven Eleven it was kind of awkward.You see Jimmy got on crack and i dont care.
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:49:00 PST

The "Isle of Wight" guy at the Whiskey

So i was at Whiskey bar Friday night because i  used to like Whiskey bar -i think mainly because it was named after the carnival like Doors song  and i like the "moon above the harbor". The ...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 03:08:00 PST

Appetite For Destruction

I had Gun's and Rose's Appetite for Destruction about a year before it went popular in the mainstream. It was back before the time of  High speed connections and Internet search engines,. This wa...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 02:00:00 PST


I always arrive at my bartending job at the University of Texas club hung over, you have to be hung over to sling drinks out to the waiting masses! Its sort of a way to get into the same frame of mind...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:31:00 PST


Alright its official i am tired of Paris Hilton. Ok for awhile there i was enchanted by her smoky gaze and generous use of the word "hawt" and maybe even the slim body. I was even on board for that so...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:00:00 PST

I got a crush....

I like this one girl which is rare for me indeed. I have asked her out slyly twice and she was busy. Do you think she knows i have designs on her?! HA HA designs -what the hell is that -maybe happy in...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:23:00 PST

Sandra Dee makes Shiskabobs!!

My Beautiful Babe.  Are you ready?  Pay attention.  I will only tell you once.   1. Get into your car and start the ignition. 2. Reverse out of your spot and drive to your nearest ...
Posted by Outrageous\Bear James on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 02:50:00 PST