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David Rohrer

Me and all my friends!

About Me

When given such a responsibility
None know the enjoyment of such a gift,
The chance to use such an ability
Will show us how we should attempt to lift
Those of us who cannot help us provide,
Faith, and excellence, they will need to live,
To understand that I am on their side,
That all the world would not even give
Them that same chance I would, to love and hold
Them when in pain, to truly believe in
Who they are, to show them how to be bold.
That I would become their evil twin
Just to see them succeed, even when in pain
So that nothing they do will be in vain.
This is our Life and yet we do nothing for the ones we
truely love. Its such a prideful generation, that we forget
to be bold, to really want to hold our Lives and
others in hand. Why is it that we always want to
wait for that chance, and yet its right infront of us.
We have the right to live accordingly. To live with
Faith. We live with so much stress, its almost
impossible to catch our breath. What are we coming to.
Why are we so set on figuring out our life. When the figuring should be done on the future of our life.
We sit back, enjoy what we have, want more, but for us.
We must remember who made us, use this ability to help.
SO when that time comes, then what has been said, will
indeed be used. We are surrounded by others, and all we
do is think, How can i better me. Its time to stand
up, be bold, And walk into the reality of life.
It has been given to us so that we may give it to
others. This is my time to shine, when will yours be?

Well i like sports, music.... um hanging with the possi. and well just having F*U*N...I love to travel more than anything!!, Holla at my NZ fam! I was the Trilla in Manila...Im heading out to guam sometime in the near future! All i really care about is being able to help somebody besides my self. I realize that life can Never just be about me. Though some times Just laying up under the stars Dreaming of where im going next floats my boat! Chilling is what i do best, but id rather be jumping off a cliff or out of a plane! i am the bigger adrinaline junky EVER!I play many different sports.

A few are... * football* baseball* golf* tennis* rugby I am now starting to play alot more golf....im playing in a few turnies this summer and hopeing to maybe become ranked. My friends are awesome...you gotta love the friends your with!. Besides golf i spend time dreaming of my car.....yeah thats right...i love cars! Yeah thats about me...or just some of it...But, I really just want to know about you! Send me a message....Ill hit YOU back PEACe!

My Interests

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I cant say enough about the people i love. Without some of my great friends i wouldn't be here today...Literaly. The importence of good friendships have never left my mind. Only those relationships that left me. My loyalty is as true as my dads loyalty to me. I will be your friend for life. So your stuck with me! These people that get the Honor to be on my top list, are most of those friends who will stand with me no matter what! I have stories about fun times and sad times, with just about all of them. Though that list my change, my relationship with them wont..

(4/10) Dating, yes girls.......I have nothing against it! why people may,.... who knows. Something you should maybe know about me. I am not an asshole....i will do everything in my power to make a relationship not about me. One thing that will anger me more, are stories of guys just wanting a little something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! One thing is for sure, i will not let the asses in the world take what they want. That is NOT what i stand for, but i have learned that i must have my say in a relationship. Its should be a mutual agreement.

Well i am one of the only guys that will cry, i am EMOTIONAL. Real men do cry, because they are secure in knowing who they are. There is nothing wrong with some emotion once and a while. (more anger then anything) But i understand that to become a man isn't just getting some, or turning 21. No.... its understanding the value of life, and the value of other lifes, treating a female with respect, and to not take "life" itself for granted. For all you selfish pricks out there, ITS NOT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE. Its about GOD, and everyone else. Who cares if you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas, get something for someone besides YOU. I have learned to care for others, because rejection is all i ever expirenced, i dont want people to go through what i had to, just to find 1 friend. All i care about is being able to help others! If i cant do that then a have failed myself. (6/10) As for me, anything i do that has ANY meening to me, will be done hard out. I cant live with a sorry laxidazical additude. If i do something, it gets done the way it should. No short cuts! One of the most powerful expirences of my life happened in Manila, Philipenes this year. It was so awesome to see so many youth praising their hearts out to God, with nothing seeming to stand in there way. I made some of my best friends EVER there. They will never be forgotten, i love to much to dissgard what went down in Manila. From chillin, listening to Bands, Playing Poker to just watching tons of movies. (only 3 U.S dollars) It was truely a time to remember, I will be back, its only a matter of time! (7/10) Saturday!!!! w00t gotta love it...nothing to do...hanging out with my super awesome friends....ah yes it truely is...boring..(10/10) Yes well, you ever think that no matter what people let you down? ha yeah, i got that feeling today.....its one of things that make you think...why would i want to feel this way..then you know what happened??? I kicked it in the Butt and said...i wont someone deturmen the things i do in life. Ill let God be my guide. (15/10) Dont you just HATE when people lie to you...wow. It seriously hurts, i dont like it...then you feel like an idiot and try to find a way to figure out what you did to make then think they should lie to you. Its like going a friends birthday party, but not knowing anyone there so not going. GAHHH! its so annoying that people think that they have every right to make you feel like a loser. Bummer eh? Yeah well, life is life....play the hand that is delt, and stop being so pessamistic about everything. But you know what else just sucks, is when you say something but it sounds so....like retarded....but it makes sense to you, then everyone is like "what was that about"? Man that makes me was a cuss alot....so much frustration...oh well. I got tomorrow right? Indeed i do. Though sometimes i wish i had a Gf to help me over those little bumps in the round, that i can always lean back on. Havnt found a girl like that yet....:-( like that understands me like no one else..? yeah that kinda person. well yeah thats what i felt this week...lots of emotion...little anger...and wrote this! (18/10) Sometimes i just dont understand why things happen to make me hate my life so much. But i know that someone loves me besides my parents. God, but ever find your-self thinking that you really need that extra person, that will always be there, will never let you down like your friends. Understanding, a listener but talker, someone who only you can really relate to. Someone to love, hold, kiss, and just to be with. Is that alot to ask of? I meen, i am tired of people just not getting it! they think that everything is done their way, and wont just let you vent, wont be there when you need to most of them! Some times just a best "guy" friend doesnt work. But i know that even though life is about serving God, sometimes you need that someone that wont hinder you from God, but will understand your walk with him, and help you through it

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people!"Dreams cease being Dreams when they are no longer Believed in!"

"Life, what can i say! I LOVE IT!"

"Its not Pride, its the truth!" "It has everything to do with the barometer....Ass!" "I cant believe i made someone laugh till they puked..." "Jarred Mondoñedo loves Portman, so therefore hes a hot piece!"

Hit me up on aim=Davyrohrer...or msn [email protected] Just call me (615-424-8719)

Leave me a comment while your here!

(30/10) YEAH, i just foundout my BEST friend in the freaking world is moving wednesday 1/11/06. WoW, time flies by..i only you guys knew how much i loved this guy. Its going to be hard not to cry the day i watch him walk on his plane to manila. I love Mel Calingo like a brother that i never had. He was there when no one would even stand by my side, when my life should hav ended....when i so depressed, and only Mel literally saved my life without knowing it. He gave me a new hope to just get it in the morning to be tutored by this man. He showed me how much it meant to someone to build a bloody relationship. As i am righting this only a few could EVER know what i am feeling. So much hurt that he eased...from taking me to Manila last year, and showing me how much much friendship meant. The tears he shed when i told him how much me meant to me, the one i could always talk to about ANYTHING. My mentor, Brother, friend. This of course is not the end....but yet it is not what i would think i would need in my life. I want to trust God....i really do...Lord help me in my time of need. I will miss you always Mel....You ARE My brother! What makes this hard is he will never know the impact he had in my life. No one, accept Mel knows what kind of things happened to me. This is not goodbye....this is me expressing my heart for this guys....Love ya Mel!(11/11)Wow i just realized how lucky i am. i have the greatest father is the world, i am blessed with amazing friends, and and have an awesome church. I have come to the realization that it time David Rohrer starts to change the world. I have been givin so many gifts and talents. Yet i have let them slip away! Its time i stop thinking about me, and start thinking about who i can help. One thing is for sure, life is no longer about me, its about life in itself. Being that person that only you can be, lending my hand. Well atleast im that person who will stay up all night, just to make sure your not scaird of the dark anymore =-) We need more leaders to stand up. Its time i begin to lead! i can do all things through christ, its time to believe it!(23/11) Yes well, i gave thanks for my family. though i never really get along with my older brothers, nore do they really care what the heck i do. Its just i got to see them, im not one to show very much emotion on some things. But i looked at what i had, and it made me mad, and yet happy. My own brothers, who i really have no relationship with, i dont ever give them a hug when they go back to college. Its been ruff, they never really were my older brothers. More like, heres what i think and david, heres what your going to do. but through all the crap i have been through with them. atleast they are still here. they still talk to me about things. lol well it usually ends up they make fun of me, or make light of what ever i choose to talk to them about. They are my bros.....and i still love em. (27/11) Ever feel like no matter how hard you try to hide your scars they are still there. They are totally hidden and yet it only takes one word to re-open that wound. I have some of the greatest friends and yet, i still fell so misunderstood. I love my brothers so much but the couldnt see me crying if a actually was right in front of them. My parents are so incredable, but i still feel not-loved....all i have ever wanted to be in life in accepted and loved. Through all my stories, i am still so frustaited. I was sitting on my bed playing guitar this afternoon and yet a got frustaited at the noise it was making. Get this i literually felt rejected by the guitar....some call this Manic Dipression...others call it a pitty party. lol I just wish that for one day, everything could go as planned...NORMAL...im tired of feeling this way. I have such a great future and yet i wont even work at my english homework. Im seriously tired of it, i am so capable of so much...yet i dont even try. ery day for blessing me with such an amazing family! With-out my dad i would not be where i am today.

(24/12)....Theres so much to write about, i really dont know where to start. I guess theres no stopping once started....i am crazy, and if YOU never read this i dont care....atleast i can vent. For the girl who never felt as loved as she should. Whos mom just wants the best for her yet doesn't know how to express that love. For the guy who gave everything he had to be told he just needs to love someone else. Who really would buy her those pearls she wants. Love...... we rely on it so much. If we only realized that some just want to be loved, and to love. Yet we cannot think of such a thing. Sometimes we must look in the eye of our someone...smile and realize that we can wait for them. Pain is vented in so many ways, and we think we enjoy our pain, but it is a false getaway. When you are able to ease ones pain... then why is it that they will run from that ease? Are we so accustim to our pain that we would rather suffer by OUR hand then having a helping hand sooth us. Is the future that scairy? then if it is id rather be there to help you through that fear then watch you do nothing about it. (26/2/07) From time to time, i like to sit back and relax, smoke a cigar and over look my life. Well this time, i relized at what i had done, what my life meant to me. How many people i have known, and hurt. At how my past could rule my desisions so easily. After a subject came up about my past, then attempting to kill myself twice. I love some many people, so much about my life, yet i cant get one person out of my mind, the one person i hurt, that hurt me way more then i could have ever dreamed. Some things i would do anything to redo.....that on person that saw me cry, or the one that i broke her heart...Life gets so rough, i forget who i am. I forget to love, to care, to breathe.
HAHA dont you love little brothers?? I do.



My dad of course!

My Blog

immature moment....LOL =P

Ok so i was a little  immature........ width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by David Rohrer on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:37:00 PST

I will never forget......

Heres a little taste into my trip to Manila....ill never forget you guys!..src="http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/9020/camera0349 zr.jpg" border="0" width="600" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />..s...
Posted by David Rohrer on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:37:00 PST

My New Car!

Well as most of you may know, i have really been praying for a car.At the same time to be a blessing to my Dad, who wanted to get me a car.As some of you who have seen this awesome blessing from God, ...
Posted by David Rohrer on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 05:52:00 PST

Our beautiful new home!

This is the front of our beautiful new home! The garage! 3 car yes! My bedroom is the very top window! There is the back.....You see the deck and below that is the rec-room for down stairs. (baseme...
Posted by David Rohrer on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 10:31:00 PST