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About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
THIS IS MY MYSPACE, I JUST LET LILY AND ROLFIE SHARE IT WITH ME....QUEEN GRETA****I am a 5 1/2 year old 115 lb. 26" tall at shoulders German Shepherd. (You try going on a diet when your a dog, anyways mom says I not fat just fluffy!) I had been at the Burbank GSR for awhile and was even brought back because I wanted too much attention from my people. Finally in Oct 2004 Cheryl and Keith came in and took one look at me (as I was barking and showing teeth to Keith) they wanted to meet me. I protested but finally they got me out of my nice safe dog igloo and took me for a walk. After about an hour of being social with me and making me feel comfortable they signed the papers and took me home. I rode home in style too....I sat in the back seat of a Mustang GT Convertible!!! I just loved the wind blowing in my jowls flapping slobber all over the back seat...I knew then that this was the start of a great life!!Here we are 4 years later and I have the LIFE....I get lots of attention from my people and I even sleep in their king size bed with them....The highlights of my days are when the mailman or UPS guys come around...I just love to terrorize them...BOL...I am a very protective girl, I don't let anything threaten my family! I don't like too many people, and I really don't like men. Mommy and daddy don't know much about my past, who had me or where I'm from, but they were told I was a German born Shepherd, cuz I don't have a slanted back. Thats ok though they love me no matter what.****I got a new sister over the Labor Day Weekend and her name is Lily. She is a Chihuahua and born around 7/15/08 and tan in color. My parents adopted her from Critter Crossing Corp Rescue. Mommy tells me she's here for keeps and if I'm not good she'll get another to bug me! Mommy loves to put silly dresses and sweaters on her, she better stay away from me with clothes...I have a thick fur coat, I don't need any clothes!****We just adopted a new brother for us, Rolfie. He was born 7/1/08 He's a Lab mix. This one was all daddy's idea, we were suppose to just foster him, but daddy fell in love...he is pretty cute and is a real good boy too. I enjoy playing tug or war with him and keep away. We can get real wild in the living room and mommy tells us to settle down all the time. At night Rolfie will sleep with mom, dad and Lily. Rolfie will lay in bed and let Lily bite on his ears, nose, eyes, paws and he will still fall asleep while she's playing. He really is a pretty cool dude! Rolfie better watch out mommy doesn't dress him up like she does Lily....bol****German Shepherds will always be my mommy's #1 breed but she have also fallen in love with the Pit Bull breed and thinks the media sways people into believing they are bad. She has gone to the animal shelters and seen these dogs and seen how friendly and loving they are..they only what to do what their owners want them to do. We fully beleive in "Ban the Deed, Not the Breed" Learn about a breed before you judge is my moto....dogs learn from their owners.

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Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today! My K9 Cop Love
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 00:08:00 GMT

Surgery for Lily

UPDATE 1/3/09:Lily has had the surgery a month ago but they could not repair the shunt. They cut her from one end to the other looking for a good vein to use, but there wasn't one that she could spare...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 05:48:00 GMT

What is BSL, by Tyler for Rock for Rescue

What is BSL? BSL, which is an abbreviated term for Breed Specific Legislation, which bans or regulates certain types of dogs due to appearance. Appearances are deceiving and can most likely be compar...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 19:43:00 GMT

Food that can harm dogs

Body: From chocolate to raisins, heres what not to feed Fido  even if he begsBy Sloan Barnett contributorupdated 5:07 p.m. ET, Fri.May 9, 2008It feels good to treat your pet to human f...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:38:00 GMT

BSL of Dogs

Banned Breeds - A MUST read! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />.... If you thought BSL wouldn't affect 'your' breed, think again!!! This is a real eye ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:29:00 GMT

I am a dog

I copied this from my furiend Zeus' blog, it really tells the story of what we feel about humans. Zeus is battling bone cancer right now, I hope everyone will keep him in your prayers.  Zeus my h...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 22:35:00 GMT

My first time in a big pool!

Well I finally did it.......went in the big pool.....but not on my own free will I might add!!  Daddy took me by the collar and led me to the pool ramp and then pushed me in the water. He held me...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 00:56:00 GMT

Training Humans

Has any of you noticed how easy it is to train a human? Well my mommy was the easiest to train. I love it, I lay there on the floor with my yellow ball in my mouth, just enjoying squeeking it and anno...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:11:00 GMT

Drago and Greta

..ol(" 6WE0xcxSJv8K4");
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 21:40:00 GMT

My furriends

Breena, Duchess, Chey, Drago and I doing the Irish Dance.   ..ol(" lUaBPSDdIGzwC");
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 02:11:00 GMT