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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

first and foremost im realy laid back not to quick to make moves after all lifes a lesson que no? so whatevers clever pretty much sums up my motto. as for what im into well i surf if i can find a good a swell. never big wave surfed so its about all in califas. ive been out of state so its good to be back to represent my teams in all sports and teams you know its about the chargers biatches!!!as for my padres well evry year it gets better so dont count em out!!! music is my escape so i spend a lot of time listening to all aspects of music but since pac died ive expanded my interests to alternative rock and classic stuff.really into all types of tatts im all sleeved up just need to finish my back and the other half of my chest and maybe than i might call it quits who knows!!!!!trying to settle back into the life of a californian trust me in my travels you got to adjust so its familiar yet new.
[email protected]

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My Interests

sports...running, surfing,tats,cars,woman,no boose,no drugs,genuinly sincere people.

I'd like to meet:

all single woman...and single mother are not singled out!!!trust me i love kids...


rock, classic rock, old school rap, nineties music, mo town oldies,


scary movies, suspensful, action, drama, comedy


la ink, myth busters, mtv, fuse, america choppers, becker, whatever


philosophy, novel, fantasy, sci-fi,


my heros are all individal people who stay unique and maintane positive attitudes in complicating and dire situations."What doesnt kills us only makes us stronger."