Rocky (Mirin) profile picture

Rocky (Mirin)

Everyone has a wild side, I found mine.....

About Me

I am me damn it, 5 foot 7-8 inches and a pack the BiG 0nE. Im curently attending ITT Tech For CNS im a real big Computer person and will soon take over bill gates part in this economy. I have no religon and will never desire one because i personally dont belive in judgeing someone, I have to have Proof that there is some super uber God of all god, or else i will never paly into that religon shit. OMFG Uber GGPwntNoRE!!!!!!!oneone im a gamer, world of warcraft, starcraft, warcraft, diablo, diablo2, Matrix online, DaOC, CoH, Counterstrike, DoD, Natural selection, you name it i own it. and better yet i OwN you!
See what serial killer you
I am 80% Video Game Addict.
.. I got a problem, man. I may not find the answer to life in a video game. I need to turn off the console or computer, go outside and try some reality for a change. Take the
Video Game Addict Test
@ FualiDotCom
What kinda sex do you like?
Favourite Color
Times you want to fuck a day.. as many times as possible
Fav. position doggy style
How you like it a little foreplay and ALOTA SEX!
Where do you like doing it on the floor
how good are you? you need a new hobbie

My Interests

Computers, Games, Xbox, playstation, PSP, Work, Girls :), Space, Human Reactions, TV, Music,Wrestling, Martial Arts, Consumer Service, School, Networking, Programming, Web Hosting, Web Designing, Graphic Arts, MY SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I'd like to meet:

I am the Uber
This is Why im always broke

My ladie dont like cameras but she still sexxy

Teh New 1337 Ride


Atreyu, Korn, Slipknot, Devil Driver, Blink 182, T.I., Jay-Z, Linkin PArk, Staind, Kamikaze monks, Ozzy, Busta, No-Limit, NWA, Cradle of filth, Dirt, Orgy, Missy, EvenEssance, Mudvyne, Eminem, Dr. Dre, POD, System of a down, Matallica, Yellow Card, Cypress Hill,ACDC, and many others!!!!


Bruce Almighty
The Prime Minister of Sweden visited Washington today as my little tiny nipples moved to France --The White House reception committee greeted the Prime Rib Roast Minister and I do the cha cha like a sissy girl... I lika do da cha cha...


Harry potter ?


My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My Self, My self, My

My Blog

A True Story of a Kids Lost Loved One

Day 3 of the San Diego 2005 Comic Con a kid had just walked across the street of the convention center, on his way to finish off his exciting day by working at his lovely job.Awaiting his ride, he spo...
Posted by Rocky (Mirin) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST