La música que se proponen nace de la experimentación y búsqueda de vÃnculos entre sus distintos medios expresivos. La idea es establecer relaciones a distintos niveles, entrecruzándolos de diversas formas y extendiendo sus posibilidades.
Valiéndose de la abstracción propia de la música, el trÃo elabora paisajes sonoros que persiguen transmitir desde la introspección, buscando lograr empatÃa entre el oyente y la realización musical.
About Tlön [1.1]
Tlön is a group of electroacoustic music formed in the middle of the year 2007, comformed by Rosa Nolly in saxophones and electronics, Leonardo Salzano in electric guitar and electronics, and Marcelo Castro in computer, processes and control devices.
The music that they propose to make is the result of the experimentation and search of links between their different means of expression . The idea is to establish relationships to different levels, interlacing them in different ways and extending their possibilities.
Using the abstraction of the music itself, the trio elaborates sonorous landscapes that seeks to transmit from the introspection, trying to achieve empathy between the listener and the musical production.
Tlön en la UNQ (Bernal)
Tlön en N.A.M.E. (La Plata)