1st and most importantly GOD and chruch comes first and then theirs........shopping, partying, of course watching tv, traveling, football!, cheerleading, spending time with my family, and so much more i just cant think of right now!!!= THROUGH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!!!!!
pRetTy riCKy, mOrriS chEsnut, BeyoNCe, ushEr, maRoOn 5, john mayer, gAbRiellE uNion, LL cool J, taye dIgGs and many more
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gOthiKa, sAw, THE NOTEBOOK (aka the best movie ever!), LoVe aNd BasKeTbaLL, tWo wEeks nOtiCe, bRowN sUgAr, sChoOl daZe, mEaN gIrLs, bRiNg iT oN,tHe WeDDinG cRashErs,dReaM gIrLs
oNe oN OnE, GIRLFRIENDS, rOom rAidErs, aLL mY cHilDreN, tHe pRice iS riGht, liFeTime oRigiNaL mOviEs, aMericaS NeXt top mOdEl, rUnS hOusE, thA HiLLs..
The Scarlet Letter and To Kill A Mockingbird, oh and cosmo magazine
mOm, dAd, GOD.my lord and savior Jesus Christ Cursor from MyCuteSpace.com .