I'd like to meet:
xX abOuT zE IcKLe Xx:
im'A mOTheRfuCkinG
[]D . [] . []V[] . []D *wink*
mUsIC iS PRetTy mUcH mY LIfe, eTHeR i'M
oR aTteEmpTinG tO mAkE oR lEaRn aBoUt iT.
i'M rAtHer gOoD wIth cOmpUter'S:
WoRkiNG HTML, FiXin' FucKeD uP PC's Etc.
aS a sEnIOr (12tH gRaDE)
I lIkE viDEo gAMe'S a tOn.
mY bIRthDAy iS AuGuST 16 (i'vE gOT Madona's b-dAY) .
oH ANd I loVE taLKinG tO pEopLe's So, iF yOU wAnNA
kNoW moRE oR jUsT wANnA taLK IM mE (iM aLWaY's oN AIM).
hErE's mY phOTo aLBuM oN yAHoO.(mOrE phOTo's oF mWaH)
sORrY iF mY PAge iS slOW FOr tHOsE oF yoU tHaT hAVe OnLY diAL uP... xX mu(SIC)!! Xx
xX mOrE bAnD's Xx
_12 Step Rebels_
_Aesthetic Perfection_
_Alove For Enemies_
_Anal Blast_
_Anal Cunt_
_A Perfect Circle_
_As Blood Runs Black_
_As I Lay Dying_
_At The Gates_
_Bad Acid Trip_
_Beneath The Massacre_
_Black Dahlia Murder_
_Billy Idol_
_Blind Guardian_
_Bury Your Dead_
_Canibal Corpse_
_Cattle Decapataion_
_Carpathian Forest_
_Cheap Sex_
_Cinema Strange_
_Cross Breed_
_Dark Tranquality_
_Darkest Hour_
_David Bowie_
_Dead Or Alive_
_Demented Are Go_
_Despised Icon_
_DJ Heddfukk_
_Dope Stars Inc._
_Dragstrip Demons_
_Dying Fetus_
_Enochian Crescent_
_Evergreen Terrace_
_Foo Fighters_
_Freeze Pop_
_Front Line Assembly_
_Heaven Shall Burn_
_(Hed) p.e._
_Iced Earth_
_Jungle Rot_
_Kult Ov Azazel_
_Lacouna Coil_
_Lamb Of God_
_Left Over Crack_
_London After Midnight_
_Naked Aggression_
_Narcoleptic Youth_
_Nine Inch Nails_
_No Doubt_
_Nodes Of Raniver_
_Oingo Boingo_
_Nocturnal Rites_
_Old Mans Child_
_Pink Floyd_
_Pysclon Nine_
_Rob Zombie_
_Rotting Christ_
_Seventh Star_
_Skin Dred_
_Skin Lab_
_Smashing Pumpkins_
_Soft Cell_
_The Crystal Method_
_The Doors_
_The Faint_
_The Haunted_
_The Killers_
_The Left Rights_
_The Mad Capsule Markets_
_The Meteors_
_The Postal Service_
_The Slanderin_
_The Virus_
_The White Stripes_
_Through The Eyes Of The Dead_
_Tiger Army_
_Toxic Narcotic_
_Vice Squad_
_White Zombie_
xX IcKie deTAiL's: Xx
Sex: Male
Age: 18 years
City: Montclair
State: California
Country: United States
Status: Married ^_^
Here for: Friends
Hometown: Montclair, CA
Body type: 5' 11" / Athletic
Weight: 180 pounds(Sounds chunky... though you can see im not)
Ethnicity: White Boy!! (German)
Religion: Satanist
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Smoke / Drink: Yes / Yes
Children: Someday
Education: Student: High school
[vIeW mOre pICtUrE's]
xX cONtaCt aT: Xx
A1M: IcKLe BoO dEW
A1M PHONE: 909-632-1869
MSN: IcKie_IcKLe_BoO
Yahoo: IcKLe_BoO_pOo
xX dA hOMiE's: Xx
These are THEE homies, I LOVE them to DEATH. They've influenced very much to who i've become today and thank thm for being there for me. So check them out, Fookers!
xX iNtErESt's Xx
V!le, pyr0, Cookie, Nick, Con-rizzy, Tweak, Alan Poo, johnny 2x4, Andru, Brian, Ivin, -bane- aka Jay, Britt Butt, Sissy, Clit, and I IcKLe_BoO.[MW]
MUsiC, gIrL's!, vIDeO gAMe'S (pREfiBlY Nintendo), frIEnD's, ,alCHohOL, mEetINg NEw peOPle,COMpuTER's (rePaIRiNG iNTerNAlly oR eXTeRnaLLy. usING mINE).