I'm Kerry Mary. I'm 15E off the Turnpike, living in Northern VA for 5 years. I’M ENGAGED!! I live with Paul, our pitbull mix Hank, and our 2 cats. We're getting married in Novemeber. 2 weeks in Hawaii!!
I'm a jeans-and-flip-flop type of girl. I’m picky. I won't eat fast food, soda, or anything processed. People hate going to lunch with me. I'm a pain. My fiancé is an incredible cook! I'm a food snob and I'm spoiled by his cooking. I want to grow a lemon tree. I want a huge garden where I can grow all my own food...I try to live healthy. I want to be 60 and play tennis (metaphor, I hate tennis). Oh and I like to run.
I love coffee...so...so much.
I’m indecisive. I'm independant. I hate the phone (I'm so bad at returning calls). I just finished my Masters. I love chocolate covered pretzels, sushi, red wine, champagne, Shirley Temples, Blue Moon, blackjack and 3 card poker.
I love when people do impressions of me. ;) People think I TAWK funny.