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About Me

I'm Kerry Mary. I'm 15E off the Turnpike, living in Northern VA for 5 years. I’M ENGAGED!! I live with Paul, our pitbull mix Hank, and our 2 cats. We're getting married in Novemeber. 2 weeks in Hawaii!!
I'm a jeans-and-flip-flop type of girl. I’m picky. I won't eat fast food, soda, or anything processed. People hate going to lunch with me. I'm a pain. My fiancé is an incredible cook! I'm a food snob and I'm spoiled by his cooking. I want to grow a lemon tree. I want a huge garden where I can grow all my own food...I try to live healthy. I want to be 60 and play tennis (metaphor, I hate tennis). Oh and I like to run.
I love much.
I’m indecisive. I'm independant. I hate the phone (I'm so bad at returning calls). I just finished my Masters. I love chocolate covered pretzels, sushi, red wine, champagne, Shirley Temples, Blue Moon, blackjack and 3 card poker.
I love when people do impressions of me. ;) People think I TAWK funny.

My Interests

Massages, the gym, running, yoga, mani/pedis, my vegetable garden, Lucky Jeans, carrot cake cupcakes and Guitar Hero!! Sushi, traveling, VACATIONS, the beach, Irish bars...


Moca-light Frappuccinos, GingerBread Lates and Passion Tea iced teas at Starbucks!!, iced coffees at Dunkin Donuts!

I'd like to meet:



Hawaii here we come!!!


James Taylor is my man!

Bon Jovi, Jim Croce, Led Zep, The Allman Brothers, Billy Joel, Elton John, RUSH, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Jackson Browne, Bob Seger, 60/70s Rock and Roll! Any Folk or just-a-guy-and-a-guitar-music. :) I love traditional Irish music too!


Sex and the City! The BEST!

The Notebook and Walk the all time favs!

...40 Year Old Virgin, Office Space, Clerks, Sideways, Garden State, Bad Santa, Meet the Parents, Wedding Crashers, Dogeball, SAW, Just Friends


Me and Erin on the phone...everyday


Discovery Health and LOST...Everybody Loves Raymond, Deadliest Catch, The Office, Sopranos, Rosanne, Prison Break, Sex and the City, Lifetime Movie Network and the Style channel!


TAO of Pooh, Celestine Prophecy...any NY Times best seller! I like Emily Giffin books too.

My Blog

Keep your laws off my body!!

Supreme Court Justices have the power to influence every factor of our lives with their decisions as the highest court in the United States -- from the right to privacy to the right to free speech. Su...
Posted by Kerry on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 03:11:00 PST