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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm the next Great American Novelist. But I don't like to brag--it's just the title that is most descriptive of me, an approximation, as it were. If I were to call myself a poet, well, I think that would sound ridiculous or sentimental, and I'm not the least bit fey or brooding, so I'll stick to saying "novelist" instead. Besides, in this age of information, the novel has become totally cadaverous--in fact, it's past the point of mere death; it has become a different matter entirely. Its transformation is comparable to that of a fried chicken drumstick. Imagine, if you will--THE ABASEMENT OF A HEN--the process by which a chicken loses its credentials as a bird and becomes a greasy thing for human consumption. This example can be used to explain the success of the Harry Potter series, that tasty detriment to our mental fitness, the latest abscess on the face of modern mythology. Many have willingly succumbed to this delightful illness of the imagination and their very dreams have become a slavish substance. Luckily, I hold the messianic cure, the necessary balm, what my promoters might call: a disparate return to classicism, desperately lost in the post-. The format is key: a judicious style of prose, not lacking in passion, nestled between the short story and the novella. In theory, the content is similar to that of concave sculpture, in which the piece is purposely absent, and what appears to be a cracked mold is offered as a glimpse of the finished work. A collection of distinct prologues and subtle hints constitute this concave surface, and the plot unfolds more so in the readers' minds than in any of the pages themselves. The ultimate draft comes to be as accessible for adults as tubular slides are for children and cretins. Ironically, that's all I care to write on the subject.
My greatest talent? I have a memory like an elephant. In fact, elephants often consult me. Also, I'm the toughest guy in town.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

When I want a peerage, I will buy one like an honest man.

My Blog

Translation: i like my body when it is with your (e.e. cummings)

i like my body when it is with yourby e.e. cummings i like my body when it is with yourbody. It is so quite a new thing.Muscles better and nerves more.i like your body. i like what it does,i like its ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 18:58:00 GMT

On Twain, writing, writers ...

There's a book I have to write about and there's nothing surprising about it: that book is Huckleberry Finn. I thoroughly dislike Tom Sawyer. I think that Tom Sawyer spoils the last chapter....
Posted by on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 14:17:00 GMT

Translation: Catorze de Junho (Saramago)

From Poesía completa [2005] ... Catorze de Junhopor José Saramago Cerremos esta porta.Devagar, devagar, as roupas caiamComo de si mesmos se despiam deuses,E nós o somos, por tão humanos sermos.É quan...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 14:22:00 GMT

Translation: Camas que no olvidaré (Ocampo)

From Poesía inédita y dispersa ... Camas que no olvidarépor Silvina Ocampo Horizontal como el desierto oscuro,como el trigal con mieses en verano,como el fondo del mar y silencioso,en cuartos con...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 16:48:00 GMT

Translation: Después de las fiestas (Cortázar)

Después de las fiestasde Julio Cortázar Y cuando todo el mundo se ibay nos quedabamos los dosentre vasos vacios y ceniceros sucios, que hermoso era saber que estabasahi como un remanso,sola conmigo al...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:22:00 GMT

Translation: Brunanburh, 937 A.D. (Borges)

Brunanburh. These are the words of a Saxon soldier shaken by a victory attained by the Kings of Wessex over a coalition of Scots, Danes, and Britons, commanded by Anlaf (Olaf) of Ireland. In this poem...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 14:54:00 GMT

Translation: Macedonio Fernández

Excerpt from Method of an Incorporeal Psyche by Macedonio Fernández (1874-1952) ... redeemed from Spanish obscurity for your reading pleasure. Suppose that I was reared, ever since I was small, in a d...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:25:00 GMT

Translation: Macedonio Fernández

Pose 1 The Universe or Reality and I were born on the 1st of June in 1874 and it's easy to add that both births occurred near here and in a city of Buenos Aires. There is a world for all that are bor...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 19:50:00 GMT