About Me
Welcome, friends...
We're the Alabama 3. We make Sweet Mutherfucking Country Acid House music. All night long. We're not from Alabama, and there's not three of us. We're from Brixton, London. We're the fellas that did that Soprano's theme tune. That tune bought someone a swimming pool, but it sure wasn't any of us...
Alabama 3 is a pop band. A punk rock, blues and country techno situationist crypto-Marxist-Leninist electro pop band. We never went on X Factor or Pop Idol or Stooge Quest. We did it the old fashioned way; Back in 1996 We threw a big old party, invited all our friends. Then we took a fistfull of blotters and half a dozen disco biscuits and then made it up as we went along. And Geffen records bought it... for half a million dollars! We never needed a self-appointed quango of jaded vampires to tell us how to sing the blues...we got Mojo*. We have the power to raise the dead.
We spent half of our advance from Geffen on various contraband items and with the rest we made an over-produced, brilliant situationist masterpiece called 'Exile on Coldharbour Lane'.
Ever since then we've been preaching our our Gospel all over the world. We've got into a whole bunch of trouble and met a whole bunch of nice people. We make friends where ever we go. Irvine Welsh, Will self, Bobby Gillespie, Keith Allen: they're all real close personal friends of ours... and we work with legends: Bruce Reynolds, the brains behind the great train robbery. Paddy hill of the Birmingham six. And of course, Rolf Harris...
They've tried to stop us. Many times.They said we were degenerates, corrupters of morals. They said we we were too political, too contrived, too ugly. We've been in and we've been out. In and out of the charts, in and out of fashion, in and out of Rehab. We've been skint and we've been minted... and you know what? It makes no difference to us. Because we're never gonna stop. We gonna just keep on putting out records and putting on shows. As ministers in the First Presleyterian Church of Elvis the Divine, we know the party ain't never over. Not till you're sitting on the toilet in a big nappy with a rancid quarter pounder in your, cold, dead, fat, emerald-encrusted hand.
And so, we are proud to give to you, our blessed congregation, our brand new album: 'M.O..R'. It's our tribute to the glorious tradition of bloated, paranoid and beautifully deluded over - indulgence in music. We think it's our most moving and absurd, exciting and tear - jerking yet. You will too.
We want to make you feel good. We know you've had trouble in your life, real bad trouble. We know you've got debts. We know you've had your heart broken so many times you're still finding pieces of it in your pillow. Maybe you've done some good things in your life, maybe you've done some bad things. We forgive you. Forgive yourself. Then dress up real sexy and come and party with us. We'll look after you. That's a promise.
"The best live band in the country."
The Guardian
"This is the first band I could ever dance to in the daytime hours without chemical assistance...and that says a lot."
Irvine Welsh - Author of Trainspotting and Filth
"SweetPrettyMuthaFuckinCountry&WesternAcidHouseMusic "
Alabama 3's next album will be created and disseminated without interference from labels, shops, manufacturers or distributors - a virus transmitted directly to the people.
Fans will be directly involved in the selection of songs and the conceptual direction of the album. You, the Converted, will be our executive producers.
Members of the congregation will be invited to re-mix tracks from the album, and they Shall Be Released.
For all the latest Alabama 3 news...
Click here.
For full Alabama 3 tour dates, ticket purchase and arrival details...
Click here.
The latest bulletin from the spirit world has arrived...
Click for full story...