Remy - Noisecycle is a 28 years old musician, dj and producer from France. In the late 90's, while he was playing the guitar in several metal bands, a goa mixtape accidentaly jumped into his car soundsystem. That was the first dose for the long term psychedelic sound addict he became. Some months later, he was swapping his marshall tube amp for a groovebox, and started experimenting with patterns and knobs.
His sound is deep and is characterized by a consistant research in synthesis and processing. Recording, mangling, recycling sounds in order to create out-of-this world atmospheres.
As a psytrance dj, he likes to spin that twisted and tribal music, which trolls and faeries dance to in the forest.
With friends he formed the Caravanetrange , a visual artist tribe, bringing colors to events from psytrance parties to theatre acts.