Franzer profile picture


About Me

founded late 2006 with *** Chanti - rhythm guitar *** Wiebke - drums, v *** Lehmi de Fries - bass, v *** Ingsson - lead guitar, v ***
Wiebke and Chanti have left.
Then Franzer was driven by guests who join us sporadically, e.g. Axel (rhythm guitar from NoNoNo, but for us more kicking the drums), Mariko (phantastic voice from CA), Lilli (powerfull influence with funny ideas), Chrissy (outstanding bassman from Strom, but drumming, Tobi (Franzer fan living in spain, drumming) Robert (great bassman from NoNoNo, drumming), Kevin (Kef a great voice performer)... and not at least Julie. A very special thanx to our musical supporters, like Mike from The Black Harps, Highko from Strom and Jo from NoNoNo, ...
Julie as a singer then became a member of Franzer in the beginning of 2008. In that time she started drumming for us in a few songs as well. She has left the band on 9th of January in 2009.
In early 2009 scientists discovered a funny archeological finding:
We now prodly present the german translation:
medopersisch Franzä Barlini
a surprise? (-;

My Interests


Member Since: 28/02/2008
Band Members: Eilmitteilung! Franzer sucht staendig leidenschaftliche Blaeserinnen. InstrOhOmente stehen zur Pferpfuegung. i.A. gez.: Hetero Sapiens

Axel - syntheziser, voc
Cengiz - drums, voc
Lehmi de Fries - bass, voc
Ingsson - git, voc

Influences: Live and many many different stuff of music
Sounds Like: Franzer live - Franzerlied
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Radio- and Teleactive! Franzers extends her investigations

Attention!Radio- and Teleactive!Franzer is diving into the scientific world now!!!Source Wikipedia.Com (03.Feb.2009):"The first transuranium element (element with atomic number greater than 92) discov...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 23:31:00 GMT

New Tracks recorded - many thanx to our guest Chanti!

(english version below)Mit viel Energie verlief gestern unsere zweite Studio Recording Session.So wurden die Songs "Das Untier", "Give Me More" und Liebeswuensche Schoener Frauen" neu arrangiert, da...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 22:19:00 GMT

Franzers Reorganisation

Letzten Freitag hat sich unsere Band Franzer von ihrer Saengerin und (Mit-)Schlagzeugerin Julie getrennt. Ihren speziellen Stil und ihren Einfluss in unserer Musik werden wir nicht ersetzen koennen....
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 21:04:00 GMT

our Gig today

As already claimed, Franzer plays today in Edeleweiss@9:00 pmMany requests for the directions into the Cafe Edelweiss. Please look here: 5fae494d8...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 04:49:00 GMT

unkompliziertes "hanging around" im ACUD

Erst einmal einen lieben Gruss an die coole Band Bang Bang Alarm (, die unserer Saengerin und Trommlerin Julie das Vertrauen entgegen brachten, fuer den leider verhinderten...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 01:14:00 GMT

Studio Recording Session

Yesterday Franzer had had their first studio recording session. We played live only meaning without overdubs. As we're not technical specialist with our instruments we expected recordings beeing "uncl...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 12:00:00 GMT

Fête de la Musique on 21th of June 2008

Hey guys,Franzers second gig in Berlin Neukölln, Weserstraße 52. We're proud to serve the great Berlin Orchestra named Strom. Psychedelic Fun Desaster Party. Come and wonder:FeteDeLaMusique-Flyer
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 02:57:00 GMT