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Yah-Keem The Mastabilda

I am here for Networking

About Me

As the turmoil of 1976 and years after were gradually ravaging and eating away the fabric of South African Society, in the midst of ruins a new life was sprouting in the townships of Port Elizabeth. A man-child was given to a single mother of two which made Makhi (as he came to be known) the third and the last dimension of this family. Being born in the decade of decay and degeneracy gave him no options but to indulge on the prevalent.For those who do not know, Makhi is a Xhosa verb meaning a builder. The name given at birth would prove to be a defining factor of his purpose in latter years. About his childhood there was nothing particularly peculiar just a regular fat boy who never mastered any of the ghetto games fit to exalt one to a position of popularity amongst his peers. As every other child he spent most of his time longing the absent father to fill the void or hoping for which deep down was known to be nothing but impossibility.Life in the ghetto was planets away from fulfilling. It was emptiness, dark and devouring emptiness all potential happiness castrated by this melting pot. His dreadful awakening is owed to the Mighty Ghetto Youth Uprising where he found family and true brotherhood. For the first time he felt his pulse pumping. Once trusted as a soldier he was given the name Mastabilda and the mandate to put the G.Y.U. order/ ideology at the centre stage of any discussion related to people’s betterment and crushing down of mental enslavement.The greatest lesson one can get from his life is mental chains vary in degrees. As the face of G.Y.U his mission was to assimilate the movement’s thoughts but then a question was posed; where are you taking the people? The answer could not be certain for the destination was not sure. This significant question made him feel alive to reality for the first time. From here on serious mental elevation occurred. He was purified by the teachings of the AFRICAN HEBREW ISRAELITE OF JERUSALEM under the Divine Leadership of His Excellency Ben Ammi.Seasons that followed were nothing but intense purification process in the fires of eternal Truth. One knew that one knew nothing; the only way he could gain his soul was sitting down and be taught. He was transformed from a Babylonian character void of understanding to a life of higher ideals, the Adamic image in harmony with the God of Israel YHWH. It was only in December 2007 that he was formally absorbed to the African Hebrew Israelite of Jerusalem Community and sanctified by the name Yah-keem, a Hebrew name meaning ONE WHO BUILDS!If one enquires one who builds what? The response is hymphatically the one who builds ETERNITY, the temple of The Most High God or accurately The Kingdom of Yah. Yahkeem is a practising Hebrew Israelite reporting to P.E.’s leadership. The greatest sages say the substance of any man reveals his true nature. Watch Yahkeem walk and define him as his action necessitates…

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone who within their hands the power to elevate my inner being. Anyone who in them I can find a friend, a teacher, and a Mentor. I am a perpetual student that is why i always look for teachers in people. i would wish to meet people who can cultivate my inner essence, teach me to hope again, dream again, love again and most off all teach me to Live again. i am in a never seizing search for them who would attempt to fill my insatiable appetite for Truth in the God Of Israel, YHWH. Organic Intellectualism draws me to people."Study to the mind is proper nourishment. At no time can it be discontinued. When an individual ceases to study or partake in a serious learning process, he is literally distoying his mind."Everlasting Life from thought to reality by Ben Ammi"Study to show thyself approved onto Yah. a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly searching for the word of truth." 2timothy2:15 "and Wisdom and knowledge shall be the Stability of thy times, and Strength of Salvation: the Fear of the Lord is His treasure" Isaiah 33:6our lives rotates on the axis of lessons without it a collapse is inevitable the sages said my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge so it is only witty to seek to know something.

My Blog

Huge Loss!

Death never fails drilling the point that he is not mans friend niether does he has mans best interest at heart.In recorded history was introduced by the opposser of life it was engineered by mans wal...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 22:12:00 GMT

Usiba Noncwadi at it again

Inspiration is commanding. It is one element in life that knows no rejection, it never asks, it tells you how to act relative to its command. Who am I to prevail over this force of creation? With th...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 13:14:00 GMT


Irrational hatred..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Surely you have heard, commented, absorbed, disturbed and felt the whole array of emotional drainage a...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 02:22:00 GMT

Love and Peace

Love and Peace..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Love and Peace are concepts that have been exhaustingly delineated by savvy minds of all generations. One...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 07:03:00 GMT

Response to Khanyi Ndabeni’s Article

Letter to Khanyi’s boss..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   In response to the article by Khanyi Ndabeni on your April 18  ..:namespace prefix = st1 ...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:12:00 GMT

Movement targets youth: Article by Khanyi Ndabeni

Movement Targets Youth..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Ilizwi Newspaper  April 18  ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:sm...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:12:00 GMT

Movement targets youth: Article by Khanyi Ndabeni

Movement Targets Youth..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Ilizwi Newspaper  April 18  ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:sm...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:12:00 GMT

Trans-Sky Heaven indeed!

On the 21st of April the day they called Good Friday a day which should be properly known as Bad Friday for a redempitive and a fighter for authentic freedom was wrongly persecuted, saw me and my peop...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:04:00 GMT

Arts @ Yah-keem Park

Shalom My people just inspired to share about the great times we had @ the Park named by my name by the Ghetto Youth Uprising. Flames ablazed as brothers and sisters took turns in melting the m.i.c be...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 06:42:00 GMT

Knowledge of self is prerequisite to True imancipation

Knowledge of self is..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Prerequisite to True Emancipation...!     "...You cannot be concious of yourself and...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:57:00 GMT