Lulu profile picture


im going to bend you over and bang you like a beast -- David... the flirt....

About Me

soft presence stubborn giggly meticulous cuddly artistic goofy introvert --> extrovert procrastinater gullable loyal nocturnal loveable lazy caring humble compassionate ...MY BITCHES... + and - ...a few...

My Interests

taking trips to cloud9... u feel it... yup :) the swings food... all kinds late nite ice cream runs, butter pecan kof? grotto... or regal... depending on my mood HOOKAH singing in the car slow jamz after 10 sleeping in :) boba the view.. aww memories... cuddling bonfires at the beach the beach in general musica deep conversations.. at the right times laughing til heather pisses her pants reminiscing paaarrtttaaayss!! poetry cheeese bein w/ the ppl that make me happy.. hmm..? traveling chillin w/ the homies :) doodling movies SUNSHINE outdoorsy things meeting some real chill people my lil mimi ..

I'd like to meet:

you! & maybe it's true, maybe u don't kno wut u have til u've lost it... but maybe it's also true that u don't kno wut u're missin til u find it...??


All of it, well most of it... ..


aw, this is hard... The notebook, Now and then, Love & basketball, Crash, The wedding singer, Treal TV ahaha, Ice age, Lifetime movies haha, Requiem for a dream, Butterfly effect, Final Destination 1, Rush Hour ..


Family guy, Friends, Animal planet :) , fresh prince, boondocks CSI and wtv looks interesting when im bored ..


i admit i dont read enough.. but i guess of the ones i have read: ADDICTED, The secret life of bees, Their eyes were watching god, Da vinci code, The Prophet ..


Rest in paradise, you will always be missed, never be forgotten, and in our hearts forever.