People with a strong social conscience, who really do look out for others and not just themselves. People who can see the "big picture" and take a "long view". Instead of "bitching" about "having" to vote, come election time, they understand that "voting is a responsibility as well as a right" and they are proud to take an active part in the democratic process. Such people vote for a party or candidate who will do the most good for the most people, and not for the good of their "hip pocket". I hate the selfishness that seems to be creeping ever further into our modern society -The "I'm alright, Jack, bugger you" mind set that refuses to acknowledge the struggles and hardships of those less fortunate than themselves or the serious problems of global warming, "majority world" poverty and the many other issues threatening our planet. I would like to see more people join grassroots organisations such as Move On and Get Up because together we CAN make a difference.