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The band "Angels Of Pain" was formed in November 2007 by Kosio and Viktoria. Later Dodo,
Tsveto and Iuli joined them. The band hasn't changed since then. The genre is hard to define
because the band plays everything that the members like and enjoy! The first gig was in club
Gepi - Plovdiv city... there was a huge crowd and the concert went great... after that the band
played outside their city... in Stara Zagora - club Jam and on the rock fair - Gurkovo... they
were the youngest band that played on the city fest of Plovdiv... They recorded their first
song "Again" and it was played on radio Plovdiv... On 06.03.2009 the group playing with a their
colleagues "Ivory Twilight" in club "Polinero". That was the last concert for our guitarist -Dodo!
. After leaving the group should seek a cease and replaced with concerts. Not long after that
the group lost their vocal Viktoria! Quite difficult period began for the boys! Nearly three
months the group had no guitarist and vocals! Now Dodo's place is occupied by Toni.
Toni associated with drummer Kosio.Soon the group recruited Zornitsa "ZU" as their new singer.
She was recommended by colleagues "Ivory Twilight". 03.05.2009-the group is full, and ready
to begin work!