Gem profile picture


About Me

My profile was customized using the Taming the MySpace Layout Generator
First Name: Gem
Middle Name: Louise
Birthday: 16th July
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Fav color: Blue
Day/Night: Day
Fave Food: Haggis
Do you ever wish you had another name? Nah
Do you like anyone? I like most people
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Lol, Tobias or Kerry
Who's the loudest? It's a tie, Me and Kerry are bothy loud
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Emma
Who's the shyest: Hmmmmm Tobias at times or Nicole
Are you close to any family members? Yep
When you cried the most: When my Ex cheated on me years ago
What's the best feeling in the world: Knowing that Christ loves you
Worst Feeling: Feeling that you've dissapointed God
Let's walk on the: Water
Let's run through: Storm
Let's look at the: Bright side, lol
What a nice: piece of Hungarian Cheese
Where did all the: REAL MUSICIANS GO?
Why can't you: be with me everyday :-(
Silly, little: Elephant?
Tell me: where the loo is please
Ran away from home: Yep
Pictured your crush naked: Nope
Skipped school: lol, yep
Broken someone's heart: Think so
Been in love: Yeah
Cried when someone died: Yup
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Lol, oh yes
Done something embarrassing: Most days
Done a drug: a very long time ago
Cried in school: Yeah I must have
Your Good Luck Charm: Don't need luck got JESUS
Person You Hate Most: Dont hate anybody
Best Thing That Has Happened: My Salvation
Ice Cream: Not bothered
WHO Makes you laugh the most: My bro or my Mummy or Kerry, man there's too many
Makes you smile:
Has A Crush On You: I know someone who has a crush on me
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yep the person who has a cruch on me, lol
Fallen for your best friend?: Not my bestfriend . . . .
Made out with JUST a friend?: No comment
Kissed two people in the same day?: Never!
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: Sex Aaaagghhhhh
Been rejected: . Yep
Been in love?: Yup
Been used?: Haven't most people
Done something you regret?: Well yeh
Cheated on someone?: Yep, would never do it again though
Been called a tease: Yup
You touched?: Tobias
You talked to on the phone?: Mark Mckenzie
You hugged?: Timothy
You instant messaged?: Aaron
You kissed?: Can't remember his name . . . . Aaron, I think that's it
You yelled at?: Tobias
Who text messaged you?: Aaron
Who broke your heart?: *A&r!0 but it was unintentional
Who told you they loved you?: Auntie Claudette

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gandi, William Wallace, Lauren Hill, Martin Luther King, Frank Skinner, Jim Carey, Elvis . . . Too many people.You are 90% Scottish

Congratulations - have a deep-fried Mars bar on me. You couldn't be more Scottish if you had a bottle of Irn Bru in one pocket and a Daily Record in the other.

How Scottish are you?
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My Blog

Robert Mugabe

I am disgusted absolutly disgusted at this mans behaviour but more than that I am disgusted with Britain, America and Europes lack of intersession! There is lots of evil people around and they all dis...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:32:00 GMT

What's up with that!

I hope I don't offend anybody by writting this although I'm sure I might but it's got to be said. What's up with Christians on my space! This is not pertaining everyone but I've noticed a lot of confe...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 07:24:00 GMT