i juswannaplay volleyball- EVERYDAY, and continue my good works: defending my foosball championship title- bitches. Other interests include but are not limited to: Backgammon, synchronicity, "coincidences", power tools, tattoos, psychics, carpentry, metal work, design n' function, etymology, camping, fishing, home-cooking, fine-dining, sweets, sours, guiness, jager, the- wieser, subtitles, info-mercials, the country of Bohemia, Atlantis, Machu Picchu, levitation, telekinetics, telepathy, work-out equipment, phi/ divine proportion, healing with the mind, colour therapy, friendship -bracelets, pictionary, the perfect pen, a zoo of miniature live anmials, old Jeep Grande Wagoneers, 80's music, belt buckles ( not the scrolling LED ones though), feng shui, shoes, pomegranate juice, glass houses, toilets with no doors- cuz you just cant fight the funk anyway, bare walls- for their possibilities, art nouveau, things that hold things, volunteering, smiling for no reason, faeries, rainbows, unicorns, happy clouds, dragons, sylphs, blessings, and finally, BOO-BERRY Cereal.
Jason Momoa, Stephanie Bone, Diondra (Dee-Dee) Robinson, Mark Powers, Paula Dean,
I like it...I like it a lot.
Any scary/ horror flick, Shawshank Redemption, Waking Life, Imitation of Life, Napoleon Dynamite, The Color Purple, ... too many to name.
...is like my crack. I'm currently in tv rehab after watching an "I Love New York" marathon... uugh...
The History of Luminous Motion, Pimp, The Tree of Life, Everybody Poos, Midnights Children, The Prophet, The Celestine Prophecy- and 10th insight, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, 48 Laws of Power, A Moveable Feast, The Dicitionary,The little Book of Stupid Questions, The Little Prince, anything by psychic Sylvia Browne, Black Boy, The Iliad, The Catcher in the Rye, A million little pieces, Native Son, Sonia Snachezs' writings, psychology today is always an insightful periodical, Peter Moon,
Cody Foster, My mom, my sister, all of my brothers, my dad- hell just about everyone in my family- they're all pretty amazing folks. Denise Austin (for getting up so damn early everyday with that smile and such enthusiasm), Wai Lana-(for keeping pancake make-up and neon track-suits alive- and for dancing so candidly with such controlled abandon-serioulsy-a bad-ass lady), Dolly Parton (i mean- how can she NOT be one of my heroes), Karim Rashid, And damnit...even evil ass Oprah.