Stephen (LOKI) profile picture

Stephen (LOKI)

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About Me

Yo! The name is Stephen and don't go tryin to change that. There are only a few people who get to call me anythin different and chances are you ain't one of them. Other than the whole name issue i'm a fun lovin person that can get along with anyone. If you ever want to talk to me on aim my sn is StephenTheJoker.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

HAHAHA!!!! This is my favorite pub song!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Oh you can search far and wide, You can drink the whole town dry. You'll never find a beer so brown But you'll never find a beer so brown As the one we're drinking in our town. You can kick your fancy ales. You can drink em by the flagon. But the only brew for the brave and true . . . Comes from the Green Dragon!

