Evangelist Lena C. Caldwell serves faithfully by her husband, Supt. Billy L. Caldwell, side at Lighthouse Church of God in Christ and at Dubach Church of God in Christ where he pastors. Evangelist Caldwell is the mother of 5 children and the grandmother of 13 grandchildren who serve actively in the church they attend. Evangelist Caldwell has served in many capacities in the church. But the most important capacity that she yet serves as is Prayer Warrior. There are so many people that profess that they can heal people instead of giving what is due unto God. Evangelist Caldwell is not one to do that. Evangelist Caldwell gives herself continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. (Acts 6:4) Let me tell about some instances when Evangelist Caldwell ministered to others through the power of prayer.While visiting in California some time ago, there was a Missionary that she met at her uncle's church. Evangelist Caldwell heard that the Missionary had cancer and it started spreading to the outside of her skin during her visit. God had Evangelist Caldwell to ask the Missionary to come to church that night for prayer. The Missionary came to church that night and Evangelist Caldwell prayed for her. The next day, the nurse went to the Missionary's house to change the dressing on her and the nurse noticed that it was a very little substance on the dressing. The next day the nurse came and noticed there wasn't any substance on the dressing. The nurse then called the doctor and told him that there was no substance on the dressing and that it was clean. The Missionary went to church to tell them God healed her. She also said that she had been to many places for prayer such as to the T.V. ministers, but she didn't receive healing until Evangelist Caldwell prayed for her. Evangelist Caldwell said that "God had that one just for me, to let me know that He would do just what He say He would do." The cripple has been healed and able to walk through the prayers of Evangelist Caldwell. God has stopped blood from flowing through her prayers as well. On another instance, a lady called Evangelist Caldwell from the hospital and told her that doctor said she could not go back to work because her heart was in bad shape. Evangelist Caldwell prayed for her over the phone. When Evangelist Caldwell met her a few months later,she told Evangelist Caldwell she was back at work and she was doing fine. Again God healed another person through the prayer of Evangelist Caldwell. The bible tells us in James 5:16 to "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." On another instance a man had been told by the doctor that he had to cut his leg off. The man asked the doctor to wait until he could get in contact with her. She went and prayed for him and God healed his leg. When her children was small, she didn't have to carry them to the doctor because she called on the Great Physician and He healed and delivered them. God saved and filled all five of her children with the Holy Ghost.She has visited nursing homes, hosipitals and homes of family, friends and some she didn't for many years praying and laying hands on them. Through her prayers, God has healed many from cancer, moved blood clots and has healed many other diseases. God has even spared many lives because of her prayers. He has saved and filled many with Holy Ghost through her prayers. God has had her to interceded on the behalf of others.The Pastor, Supt. Caldwell, who is her husband, has Evangelist Caldwell helping him pray for the people at the church. Through her prayers, many prayer requests have been answered, many have been delivered and set free, many have requested for homes, cars and other things that's in the will of God that they should have has been answered. The Lord spoke to Evangelist Caldwell one day and said "Before you call, I will answer and while you are yet speaking I will hear." Evangelist Caldwell prays for churches, Bishops, Pastors, and the wives, Missionaries, Saints and mankind everywhere.Those of you who are in need of prayer:You can send your prayer requests to email address:
[email protected] or
[email protected] send request in the form of a letter to:More Than Conquerors Ministries
P.O. Box 4793
Monroe,LA 71211Thank you and be blessed!!!!!!
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