NAPALMI PRODUCTIONS music production managing profile picture

NAPALMI PRODUCTIONS music production managing

About Me

In the end of 2007 I was one of six cultur manager students who desided to start up a music management productionshouse to Turku. We studied in HUMAK, University of Applied Sciences cultur management to come as an Cultur Producers. We took part YOUNG ENTREPREUR-program, which gave counsil to young cultur self-embloyed persons who want to be business managers in own business all over the Europe.We six did ourselves plans about financies, marketings, promotions, legalities, found co-operators and organise all acts and meetings. The first rockclub was 23.01.08 in Turku place called Klubi. There three local bands: Crash Course Highway, Common Tones, The Friend. The night was great.The second rock gig night was in spring of 2008. We arranged a rocking gig to minor youhgts of Turku..s WIMMA-youhgtcenter. There were Rendes-Vouzes and The Crystal Extacy.The business manager-program ended on spring 2008 and I, Sari Nurminen, was the only one who wanted to continue producing of musicevents. I had had this kind of plans already long time before this program.I found two girls who helped me to think the new Napalmi Productions: Maria Sundberg (swe) and Marlena Tuomola. Marlena adviced me all kind of problems concerning websites and Maria was moving soon to Sweden, Uppsala and we planed to organize SWE / UPPSALA - FIN / TURKU rockgigs in Uppsala and in Turku plus that I was planning rockgigs to Turku all the time.Everything has no been easy and now , at the beginning of 2009 Napalmi Productions is organized by only me, Sari Nurminen and it works like an privat firm. Few friends and other assosiations is helping me and I do also some co-operations with few musicoperations.I try to make some rock ..n..roll -events to all of you music lovers who just like to hard rocking ribbing and are not so serious about this life. Music is a massive friend!So I wish all the best to all of you and you are very welcome to all Napalmi Productions gigs where ever Napalmi is going to blow up the ROCK and METAL.

Myspace Layouts at / Black & orange

My Interests


Member Since: 27/02/2008
Band Website: coming soon ...
Band Members: Sari Nurminen - producer (FIN)
Influences: I..m influend by many kind of music, gigs, artist, festivals, records and pleusures. But who would not have enjoyed livemusics and acts which have been emotionally moved. Being part of that and make those ecperiencies to other is that thing which keeps kicking my ass! That..s the reason why I desided to move on along by myself with Napalmi Productions. It..s very close action to me. ROCK ..N..ROLL have always shocked, moved, saved, spert messages, helped, made feel pain, been doomed, caused anarchy or have connecting or not connectin people or world and made money and been big part of every culturhistories in this world.Emotionals movements, powerness, sadness, feeling inner, feeling doomed or gracefulness or just dancing or standing feeling joy and ... somethig ... You desided :=
Sounds Like: Napalmi Productions sound like it..s bands! I hope Napalmi Productions will have it..s own style, but we all are in the same pool playing same toys! So let..s ROCK together so rocking hard. ... until we are rolling finally home or somewhere ...
Record Label: -
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Tsekkaa tämä tapahtuma: Finnis N Russian MetalTour: X-RATED,russian CURIMUS,sf +NIGHT ON EARTH,tku

Isäntä:Curimus-band+Napalmi Prod.Milloin:4. huhtikuuta 2009Paikka:S-OSISTURKUKuvaus:4.4. Turku/S-osis: X-RATED,russain CURIMUS,sf +NIGHT ON EARTH,tku ticket 4e k-18Näytä tapahtuma napsauttamalla tätä
Posted by on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 10:55:00 GMT

Tsekkaa tämä tapahtuma: Finnish N Russian MetalTour 1.-4.4.09 : X-RATED,russian CURIMUS,sf +different local band !!

Isäntä:Curimus-band+Napalmi Prod.Milloin:1.-4. huhtikuuta 2009Paikka:HEAVY CORNER/hki    SEURAHUONE/huittinen    S-OSIS/tkuKuvaus:1.4. Helsinki/Heavy Corner: X-RATED,russian CURIMUS,sf +HATETREND,hki ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:08:00 GMT

Tsekkaa tämä tapahtuma: METAL HARDCORE THRASH turku/fin S-OSIS RUJO(hki)ACE IN A HOLE(tku)CURIMUS(lmaa

Isäntä:NAPALMI PRODUCTIONS music production managingMilloin:7. maaliskuuta 2009Paikka:S-OSIS 4¬rehtorinpellonkatguTURKUKuvaus:K18 BETTER BE THERE, if you want to do some METAL!Näytä tapahtuma napsautt...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 03:24:00 GMT


Isäntä:NAPALMI PRODUCTIONS music production managingMilloin:7. helmikuuta 2009Paikka:o-sisrehtoripellonkatuturku20500Kuvaus:ELENIUM CURIMUS so metall-rocking night is coming the place would be in fire...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Feb 2009 06:51:00 GMT

Tsekkaa tämä tapahtuma: glam ROCK punk GIG

Isäntä:NAPALMI PRODUCTIONS music production managingMilloin:23. tammikuuta 2009Paikka:TVO-club   tickets 6¬Rehtoripellonkatu Turku20500Kuvaus:HYBRID CHILDREN (hki/fi)HELLCITY PUNKS (hki/fi)EVER SINCE ...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 13:34:00 GMT

CONTACT: [email protected]

CONTACT:    [email protected]
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 13:00:00 GMT

Napalmi Productions is in Facebook

HELLou you all dier rock N rollers! Napalmi Productions is now in Facebook! Let..s all join it N make some noise then after all! Ain..t that so! If you dont find it, try napalmi prod instead napalmi ...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Nov 2008 01:51:00 GMT

VIMMA 050308

Turun nuorisokeskus VIMMA rockkasi tyylillä 5.maaliskuuta! Illalla keikkasi nouseva turkulainen CRASH COURSE HIHGWAY ja kuuluisuutta jo itselleen roimasti hankkinut CRYSTAL EXTACY. Paikalle saapui ihm...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:41:00 GMT

23.01.08 The First NAPALMI LIVE -CLUB

The Klubi was full of people already at the begining of the night. Every three band-Common Tones, The Everglades, The Friend-played to happy, rocking girls and boys. The dancefloor made people dans to...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 19:40:00 GMT