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I am here for Networking

About Me

..found this travel layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts .. go to pinktogether@myspace to read my story I survived damn it. I am from New York ,I love it all.The culture ,the food and especially the music .I want to travel the world and come right back home when I am done.I am at heart a leader.I believe thats why singing pushes me.I want that paycheck on the 1st and 15th.But more importantly I want that voice.I want "your"attention.Not just because my ass looks good in a tight pair of jeans.I want you and everyone else to feel me to manipulate words and put emotion behind them .I love to relate to people and understand them.My perspective has changed so much over the years .When I survived ovarian cancer 7 years ago and a whole lotta I shoulda died instances.Granted I became a time bomb and hurt alot of people dearest to me.Actually lost one .I woke up literally years later and set aside my emotion and realize I gotta work for happiness and it wasnt money .Dang medical bills were stressful.But I was alive.I had a lot of repairing to do to those closest to me and one never quite repaired but I began and started to feel good and become good.Life perspective became clear ,money is just paper printed from a machine and I need it to ensure proper care of my family and I or to eat etc.But that wasnt what made me happy even though I thought it did .All of these things didnt really occur until I was sick and my mother had to wash my ass @ 19.Now that I think about it from 17 to 24 I was lost.At first I didnt know what was wrong with me bleeding everyday and morning sickness.To cancer to dealing with not being able to have kids to menopause .So here I am alive and strong and so proud not because I am a millionare,yet..lolBecause mentally I made it .I have learned to understand life for every moment and gain that "wealth" of my change and force it to be better .Pain is one thing thats makes u humble .Nothing else in this world teaches that.I try to effect all I come across and allow them to effect me in a good way .Us as people fail when we feel we wanna get just ours and be the best or better.It is literally impossible to exsist just by yourself we need too much .Some say hippie eutopia.BUt I Miss J.Ivory believes if we all just did good we would save this damn world....lol Thats why my ass wants to sings well my heart actually,I want to be heard and bring us together.Music is oone language.This world is pretty fucked up.Governments,FDA everything is a big business.Mankind is supressed period.We have to make money and swerve away from our passions and ingenuities.Whatever anyone believes in or was born into we all have gifts and passions and if we all just did our job and worked together rather than seperatly we would be better off and the people could run the people.It blows my mind everytime I walk into a grocery store , to think this world has hunger. We are so conditioned we believe its a way of life and is acceptable.Slavery,Holocaust reminder our government!WE need to make a change and it starts with you and I .So Bless you .READ MY STORY ON PINKTOGETHER.COMHEAR MY ORIGINAL MUSIC ON: -REVERBNATION.COM -MUSICNATION.ComWATCH MY CRAZY ASS ON YOUTUBE.COM **************search for J Ivory on all above************** stars layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
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My Interests

music, outside or unless I'm in a booth,singing or eating.


I'd like to meet:

GOD...............Everyone,almost! THE WORLD,those whom struggle and fight ,other artists and mu Make your own Glitter Graphics



J.Ivory = ) Donnie Hathaway,Lauryn Hill,Sade,Santana,Rolling Stones,Buju, Sizzla,Fleetwood Mac,Queen,Sting,Mary J.,Mos ,DeLa,Def,Big,Ghostface,Nas,Pharcyde,Stick up Kids ,Tribe,Bacht,Beethoven,Ottis Redding


Kung-fu,comedies, documentaries."What Dreams May Come" " Bronx Tale "...favorites Recently "We Own the Night"


Don't watch it too much;feel like I am missing out on something.http://www.snapvine.com/signup/start?key=dialup


"PALMISTRY FOR THE ADVANCED" "Pro Evo" Totom "Memoirs of a Geisha" "The Coldest Winter Ever" -biographies


Mother Theresa,Bono and Angelina Jolie .(gotta mix it up you know)and most of all God , my parents , CSD.

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My Blog

I Almost got kidnapped!

       I recently ,watched "Trade" (about young girls being kidnapped and sold thru American to international borders.I began to cry.   On July 23, 2007 I was in N.Y.C. o...
Posted by J.Ivory on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:43:00 PST