I'm just an avarage joe that got bored and started making this thing. I was hopeing to be out of NE Ohio by now but I think I'm stuck here. Maybe 09' will change that. One of my big hobbys right now is paranormal investigating. I have been with Paranormal Outlook for around 2 years now, so got ghosts, let me know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"If you don't got a willy, you don't get the silly. "
-Stan Smith
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and everyone thinks everyone elses stinks! " -Unknown
"People who live in fat asses shouldn't throw waffles."-Charlie Harper
"It's easy to grin when your ship comes in,
and you got the stock market beat.
But a man worth while, is a man who can smile,
when his shorts are to tight in the seat. "-Judge Smails
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"A true American only needs one finger!" Al Bundy
We got a right
to pick a little fight
with rustlers
Somebody wants
to pick a fight
to pick a fight with us
they better bite my ass!
--Bender Bending Rodreguez
which family guy r u?
the retard dad
How do you compare?
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