WARNING: IT MAY BE DIFFICULT FOR SOME TO GET THROUGH THIS ONE WITHOUT TEARING UP!!! I'm sure some of you may have heard about this GREAT kid J Mac- HOT AS A PISTOL! and his AMAZING story that CAPTIVATED the nation and touched the HEARTS of so many people all over the globe! This kid scored 20 pts in just 4 mins! He did an AWESOME job in his very first and only ever played varsity basketball game- oh yeah, did I mention, he suffers with the daily struggles of living with AUTISM? His complete DEVOTION, LOVE for the GAME (whether it be on the court or in the game of life) DETERMINATION and BELIEF in himself can be an INSPIRATION to us ALL!
I believe without a doubt that GOD was working through 17 year old Jason McElwain that night. HE enabled J Mac to get the word AUTISM out there to the public, to spark people's interest in the subject, and to help others UNDERSTAND what autism is. Most important of all, Jason was able to give those individuals dealing with autism and their families HOPE! Hope that a FUTURE does exist and that it IS POSSIBLE for their DREAMS to really come TRUE! Jason couldn't have put it any better when he said "the SKY'S THE LIMIT! Give it ALL the EFFORT you can to CATCH your DREAM! And NEVER GIVE UP!". That should be a motto that each and EVERYONE of us lives by each and EVERY day. I hope you ENJOY this little clip! I know it sure did TOUCH me! (and be sure to keep your eyes open for the movie based on Jason McElwain's life that Magic Johnson is co-producing)
Also check out the Letter to Jacob blog (that I stole from my brother!!).