_nder profile picture


what happens in mywaste STAYS in mywaste!!

About Me

still tryin to figure out how the F_CK to use this thing.. :P

My Interests

makin' shit (architecture, art, noise), life/existence/other people, creating smiles, happiness..

I'd like to meet:

miss chaos.. mmmmmmm


skinny puppy, FLA, peter gabriel, william ørbit, front242, air, amon tobin, aphex twin, beethoven, billy idol, björk, the cars, cEvin key, circle of dust, the crystal method, the cure, curve, cyberaktif, david bowie, def leppard, delerium, depeche mode, doubting thomas, download, eccentriKAmeriKa, ELO, faith no more, fischerspooner, garbage, gary numan, HILT, intermix, jane's addiction, KMFDM, leæther strip, love and rockets, massive attack, miss chaos, missing persons, mouse on mars, mozart, new order, NIN, noise unit, ohGr, orbital, peter murphy, PiL, pink floyd, planet P project, pooey, 'old' prince, pro tech, project pitchfork, ric ocasek, the sisters of mercy, skirt, stun nutz, synæsthesia, tori amos, [UDR], ulrich schnauss, urceus exit, VAB, VAST, velvet acid christ, vivaldi, VNV nation, zen eyes


2001: a space odyssey, the empire strikes back, blade runner, i dunno.. just gimme some cold, hard sci-fi


have one.. it's off most of the time


architectural graphic standards, the foundation trilogy, all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten (good fucking book).. some authors: CS lewis, JRR tolkien, isaac asimov, ann rand, george orwell, william gibson, italo calvino, amos ih tiao chang, richard P feynman


superman, george washington, steve jobs and the wizard of woz, my dad, my wife, steven holl, carlo scarpa, lebbeus woods, morphosis, mack scoggin/merrill elam, le corbusier, that frank lloyd wright guy, soichiro honda