J profile picture


There's always drama..

About Me

I do not add minors to my friends list. I know I have some students out there who may like to be added to my list, and I do appreciate it. But let's face it: I'm a teacher and that could make an inappropriate impression. Please do not take offense if I deny your request.My students may send me messages so long as they are not offensive or chain letters (which really bug me). I will reply.

My Interests

I like doing things.

I'd like to meet:

Salma Hayek. She wants me. She doesn't know it. But she does. Maybe I'm projecting.


Sounds good. (Especially if it's Jamie Cullum, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis, Norah Jones, Chris Issak, Shawn Colvin, Ben Folds, Willie Nelson, Tom Waits, Sheryl Crow, Fiona Apple, Bare Naked Ladies, Tenacious D, etc.)


Go well with popcorn. (Especially Raising Arizona, I [heart] Huckabees, Fargo, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Dead Man, Shaun of the Dead, Love Actually, Life of Brian, Chasing Amy, Dr. Strangelove, Memento, Clockwork Orange, The Fisher King, anything with Spider-man etc.)


Is best watched late at night (i.e. adult swim, reruns of the Simpsons, most HBO series--especially Deadwood or Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Daily Show & Colbert Report, etc.) but for prime time nothing is better than My Name is Earl... or the Food Network... or Discovery/TLC/Nat.Geo/Animal Planet... or whatever when insomnia hits.


Seem to congregate around my toilet: Confederacy of Dunces, Respect for Acting, Following the Equator, Leaves of Grass, Tropic of Cancer, Portnoy's Complaint, Lies and the Lying Liars..., Song of Solomon, etc.... and those damn Harry Potter books.


Spider-man, Henry Miller, Willie Nelson and Al Franken