Smoke and Mirrors |
I just recorded the guitar tracks for a "new" song tonight. Former members of Ostara and possibly their girlfriends will understand why the word "new" is in quotation marks. Nobody else has ever heard... Posted by on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 03:37:00 GMT |
PRopaganda |
Kody and I have just given birth to healthy baby hermaphrodite. We've named it "PRopaganda." It doesn't weigh anything, but after turning it upside-down and spanking it, the Doctor says that it's "gre... Posted by on Sun, 11 Oct 2009 23:52:00 GMT |
WTF?: Notes on the Apparent New Material |
Since I'm still pretty tied up with my Colourful Approach
collaboration and don't have time to record anything else right now, I
have decided to borrow a page from the Left Rights and post a few "... Posted by on Fri, 18 Sep 2009 21:50:00 GMT |
The Good News |
Jesus Christ can be your personal Lord and Saviour!YAY!!!!No. Just kidding. There is no God. Christianity is a cheap, slapped-together religion made up out of parts of other (mostly Pagan) religions a... Posted by on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 12:21:00 GMT |
MK-Ultra |
I am currently collaborating with an old friend, gifted Bass Master and creative genius Colourful Approach. (See my "Top Friends" to connect to his Myspace.) We're putting together a top-secret album ... Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 16:53:00 GMT |
Out with the New |
I have new stuff, and ideas for new stuff. I keep them in a shoebox. The box is getting sort of full. I'd like to share this material with you, but I have two problems:1. My computer is being evasive.... Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 20:04:00 GMT |