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I am here for Friends

About Me

I was born in Hammersmith and raised in the Tory hotspot of Ickenham. I didn't overstand the importance of trying hard at school until I'd left, by which point it was too late to rectify the situation. I don't know much about music, films, sport, whittling, being a woman, or cars, but I have an extensive (and on the whole fairly useless) knowledge of comics, Doctor Who and cartoons from both the eighties and the modern day. When will any of these specialist subjects come in handy? That's right: never.
I enjoy gardening. Growing some tomatos and chilis right now (not this very second, but you know what I mean). I like to wear waistcoats with jeans and pencil ties, but I rarely get the chance to do so. I love Frat Pack films, particularly those starring Will Ferrell, and love working quotes form their films into day to day conversation.
I hate having to repate myself. I like people that can make me laugh. Laughing is good for the soul. I'm proud of not drinking, smoking or taking recreational drugs. I like chatting to people, although I find it much much easier when I know them. I like to drink coffee. I hate having to repeat myself.
I can't stand these foul adverts that are shown during daytime TV telling idiots that have got themselves in thousands of pounds of debt that if they sign up with Company X then they'll end up paying less money per month etc. I detest the swine that buy into this stuff even more. How hard is it to realise that you'll end up paying more in the long run? These loathsome cretins deserve whatever happens to them if they're going to be so stupid and malleable. I think that British society is falling down around our ears and the government isn't interested in doing anything to stop it. All the Partys are the same in this regard. None of them care enough to try figuring out a solution to the kids illegally buying alcohol and cigarettes and wasting their youth drinking cheap vodka whilst in the midst of a narcotics-enduced stupor in the local park. If this carries on the country will fall to pieces by the 2050s.
My ambition is to write at least one novel that makes it to print. This implies I've already written a novel. I haven't, but I'd like to. If I can one day walk into a book store and see a book for sale with my name on the front then I will have acheived my dream.
Finally, I also enjoy a good pair of slacks. Years later doctors will tell me I have an IQ of 48 and am what some people call "mentally retarded".
To be honest I'm running out of things to put here, so I shall simply jot down a piece of advice once given to me...
It was a murky old day in High Wycombe. I'd travelled there with an old pal who shall remain nameless for legal reasons. We'd headed over that way to visit the Hellfire Caves. We got into High Wycombe easily enough, but couldn't for the life of us figure out which bus to take from the bus depot to the Caves. We asked an employee which bus to take and he ended up producing the single greatest piece of advice I've ever had. That's pretty amazing when you realise it's not even, strictly speaking, a piece of advice. Here it is, recreated in the written format, from it's original verbal prefix;
"The Hellfire Caves? Harharharhar! You got no 'ope lads! Y'may aswell give up now! Unless a'course you take the number 327."
Beautiful advice from a beautiful man.
This section has been about me.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Champions and heroes of the modern world: Neil Gaiman, Boris Johnson, Harry Turtledove, Steven Moffat, Gordon Ramsay, Paul Heyman, Dog the Bounty Hunter, David Tennant, John Barrowman, Chris Eccleston, John Simm, Marc Warren, Phil Glenister, Alan Moore, Paul Cornell, Chevy Chase, Jaime Murray, Will Ferrel, Stan Lee, Bill Bailey, Sean Locke, Steve Merchant, and Alan Sugar.

Dignitaries and shapers of a world now gone: William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Jefferson Davis, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, King James I, Peter Wyngarde, Benjamin Franklin, and the founder of Bekonscot.

Men and women that are known the world over but have never drawn breath: T-Bag, Jake Featherston, Skeletor, Gene Hunt, Han Solo, Peter Griffin, Jack Harkness, David Brent, Jason King, Elijah Snow, Doctor Doom, Nick Fury, Wolverine, Magneto, Oscar the grouch, and Sherlock Holmes.

The myths and fables (some living, some dead, some neither, some in between) of London: the voodoo cultists of Camden, the Eyeless, Terrorlings, Ms. Baker and Ms. Loo, the Soho Solo Cowboy, the shanty-dwellers of Oxford Street, pigeon worshippers, the deities of the back streets, the Underground gardener, the invisible buskers, the tramp kings, and all the rest.

Gods, deities and legends. New, old and forgotten alike.

And you.

My Blog

The Adventures of T-Rex

   For the last three or four months I've been trying to track down an old nineties cartoon. Actually, saying just that gives a watered down view on how much time I've spent thinki...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 02:08:00 GMT

The Secrets of Waterstones Piccadilly

   I’ve been working at the Waterstones on Piccadilly for the last four or five months and in that time I’ve made severeal interesting discoveries about the place. Its taken me a...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 02:27:00 GMT

Leap Year

   Well that's the extra day of the Gregorian calendar over and done with for another four years. It's a little known fact that if we didn't have the oft underappreciated leap year system it...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 12:58:00 GMT


   This is my hundredth post on here. Quite a big milestone I think. I had originally wanted to do something really big and thought-provoking for my hundredth post, but frankly I can't think...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:46:00 GMT

Christmas Time

   Today is Christmas day, so if you happen to be reading this on the day of posting; Merry Christmas! I've just finished opening my presents and now I have time to kill before lunch is read...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 16:32:00 GMT


   Today's tale will be in a similar vein to the one I did a few weeks back entitled Bob. Today I'll tell you of the mighty Gareth who I met last night. I'll also spin a few ripping yarns ab...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 03:06:00 GMT


   I will start this evening with a tale about a man I met on the train yesterday. I was heading up to London with Jon. It wasn't particularly early, due to it being a Sunday. I'd say the ev...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:41:00 GMT

New job

   I'm writing this mainly because I'm having to wait for hours for Heroes to buffer on a streaming site and this is a good way of killing some time. I've also been meaning to do one since l...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 13:44:00 GMT

The logic of dreams

   I had a really bizarre dream last night. It involved starting my new job but I was unprepared for it and hadn't taken anything I'd been told to, and hadn't dressed the way they'd said to....
Posted by on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 05:06:00 GMT

The one about chimps

   This is the first time in two weeks since I've posted anything. I think the week where I posted seven days in a row just destroyed me and my enthusiasm to write here. Today's also the fir...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 20:00:00 GMT