☆..eMz..☆ profile picture


Powered By Fairy Dust!

About Me

♣I go by the name of Emma♣
♣(Emma Nicholl)♣
♣Or Em, Emz, Emzie, Bitch, Cow, etc♣
♣I am 20 years young♣
♣My birthday is on 19th March!♣
♣Make me a card!♣
♣I live in skank-ville (aka Rock Ferry)♣
♣I work as a Home Carer♣
♣It's a shitty job...literally
♣But I still enjoy it!♣
♣I love having silly converstations with the elderly lol♣
♣As well as having to wipe bottoms♣
♣I am fairly short♣
♣I have red hair♣
♣I have hazel eyes♣
♣I have finished college♣
♣And studied a BTEC National Diploma in Public Services♣
♣I loved it!♣
♣Everyday was such a laugh with the lads!♣
♣And I'll always keep in touch with them!♣
♣Awww, they are so good to me :D hehe!♣
♣I am a pirate♣
♣I will live in the Caribbean♣
♣And drink rum all day, everyday!♣
♣I have too many thoughts about women♣
♣I have an unhealthy addiction to old-skool disco tunes♣
♣I act so immature
♣But do not give a fuck! Lol!♣
♣I used to go to Brownies♣
♣I was a little pixie
♣I also did ballet
♣And street dancing, back in the day!♣
♣I am a fairly dozey person♣
♣I day dream alot♣
♣I like to be in my own little world♣
♣I often keep things to myself♣
♣It's more fun that way, hehe♣
♣I am an honest person♣
♣I can be quite manic♣
♣I get along better with boys than girls♣
♣I am fussy with girls!♣
♣I can be hard work♣
♣I am a loving person hehe♣
♣I can be a biatch!♣
♣But only if you deserve it and with good reason to be♣
♣Haha! Only messing...or am I?!♣
♣I like to think I am a nice person♣
♣I care about the people I like♣
♣I am friendly to everyone♣
♣I like to smile and be happy♣
♣I find it hard to trust people♣
♣I am so much better than you!♣
♣Because I did a whole year's college work in 2 days!♣
♥I believe in Santa!♥
DO NOT pick on me!♥
♣I love going to the cruise♣
♣I have got the phittest car in the entire world♣
♣My beautiful Toyota Yaris♣
♣Called Wassooo
♣I have serious plans for this car :)♣
♣I often refer to myself in the third person♣
♣I want to learn to play the guitar♣
♣I wish I could be covered head to toe in tattoo's♣
♣And piercings♣
♣I am a party animal♣
♣I will NOT change for anyone!♣
♣I like being me
Deal with it!
♥All my buddies♥
♥Being with friends♥
♥My family♥
♥Legendary house partays I throw!♥
♥Sunday nights at the Clipper♥
♥Especially watching Hush♥
♥Even though he makes an absolute fool of me!♥
♥Playing 'yellow car'
♥Al's Pizza♥
♥Tom Green♥
♥Acting a tit♥
♥Moified car's♥
♥Things that smell of oranges♥
♥Decorating bedrooms♥
♥Inscent Sticks♥
. ♥Sex toys♥
♥Rave Outfits♥
♥Receiving letters♥
♥Funkay hair doo's♥
♥Being creative♥
♥Being artistic♥
♥Making snow angels♥
♥Snowball fights♥
♥Water fights♥
♥All nighters♥
♥Making shapes out of clouds♥
♥Patterned stuff♥
♥Fluffy stuff♥
♥Spray paints♥
♥Dressing up as a mechanic♥
♥Working on my car♥
♥Steel toe cap booties♥
♥Shabby chic furnitue♥
♥Dickies stuff♥
♥Attempting to make cakes♥
♥Glow sticks♥
♥Smirnoff sessions♥
♥Noodles with brown sauce♥
♥Being a pirate
♥Skull and crossbones♥
♥French knick-knacks♥
♥Corsets♥ ♥Stockings♥
♥Attempting to MC♥
♥Sign robbing with Pete!♥
Swimming in the sea
♥Twisters (the Ice-Cream)♥
♥Boogie-ing to music♥
♥Especially Gina G!
♥Strawberry Angel Delight♥
♥Being adventurous♥
SpongeBob SquarePants
♥Alton Towers♥
♥Trips to Chester♥
♥To go on the pedalows♥
♥Going the Admiral haha!♥
Going on the beach
♥Especially when no one else is there♥
Morfa Nefyn
♥Um Bongo!♥
♥Attempting to surf♥
♥Attempting to skate-board♥
♥Feeling BASS vibrations!♥
♥Mad, funky, groovy lights♥
♥Hand-made cards♥
♥Going to the zoo♥
♥Crazy Daisy fun!♥
♥Going to the cinema♥
Bonfire Night
♥Sitting on rooftops♥
♥Bright colours♥
Ann Summer's and Scandles
♥The smell of petrol♥
♥Taking stupid photo's♥
♥Using my air-horn♥
♥Making stupid noise's♥
♥Being random♥
♥Doing things out of the blue♥
♥Not planning ahead♥
♥Walking bare-foot in the sand♥
♥Building sand castles♥
♥Lee Evans♥
♥Eddie Murphy♥
♥Jelly tots♥
♥Going to see my daddy♥
♥Getting hugged!♥
♥Strawberry Ice Cream♥
♥Fishing with my daddy♥
♥Colouring in♥
♥Designing tattoo's♥
Iced Gems!
♥Racing BMW's in Wasooo♥
♥Being lazy when recovering from the night before♥
♥Cheap, nasty nights out♥
♥Smiling all day♥
♥Being with so many people in my bed...♥
♥Waking up the next morning after a harsh piss-up&hearts
♥And completely monging out with each other♥
♥Bacon butties♥
♥Cheese on toast♥
♥But the toast only half done!♥
♥Strawberry milkshake♥
♥Smartie McFlurries♥
♥Stupid converstations♥
♥Drunken conversations♥
♥Getting to know people♥
♥Mud wrestling♥
♥Going to gigs♥
♥Techno/Electro music♥
♥Being a Cave girl♥
♥Being an Indian♥
♥Honest people♥
♥Open people♥
♥Being able to fit into kid's shoe's♥
♥Twister ice creams♥
♥Action films♥
♥Stand-up comedies♥
♥Road trips♥
♥Tribal designs♥
♥Acting my shoe size and not my age♥
♥Chester Zoo♥
Treasure hunting
♥Ralph Lauren perfume♥
♥Days off college♥
♥Teddy bears♥
♥Waching DVD's♥
♥Sitting by the fire♥
♥Combat pants♥
♥Famous Stars and Straps♥
♥Hotel California♥
♥Sitting on my roof at night♥
♥Random people♥
♥Funky earrings♥
♥My fluffy handcuffs♥
♥Getting butterflies in my stomach♥
♥Throwing stones in water...♥
♥To make them skip as many times as possible♥
♥Old school trips♥
♥Memories of when I was younger♥
♥Flying my kite♥
♥Jumping in puddles♥
Long walks in the countryside
♥Long, pointless road trips♥
♥Knowing all college work is done!♥
♥Going to the cruise in Wasooo♥
♥Polka-dot stuff♥
♥Stripey stuff♥
♥Wakestock♥ ♥Tattoo's
♥Shopping for Wasooo
♥The little things in life♥
Being compared!
♠Horse riding♠
♠Old drivers...♠
♠Who write off my pimpette-mobile!♠
♠Missing my baby Vanessa
♠The old bint!!!♠
♠Being moody!♠
♠Thoughts of dry bumming
♠Kidney beans♠
The 'C' word
The 'M' word
♠People not being themselves♠
Girlie girls
♠Orange faces!♠
♠People with foot fettishes♠
♠Because I hate feet!♠
♠Being on the blob♠
♠Ignorant people♠
♠Hair dye going wrong!
♠People drunk when I'm not!♠
♠Boring people♠
♠Certain ex-boyfriends♠
Rem's that text me♠
♠Attracting Rem's!
♠Smelly people♠
♠Two-faced people♠
♠Reading out loud♠
♠Teachers shouting at me♠
♠Just because I don't know whats going on in the world♠
♠People who think they are 'it'♠
♠Not partaying♠
♠Being bored♠
♠Cruelty to animals♠
♠Knowing I am originally from Wales♠
♠Looking at an empty wine glass!♠
Public transport
♠Getting easily confused♠
♠Thoughts of anything bad happening to Wasooo♠
♥I absolutely love this girl to bits♥
♥She is the bestest person in the entire world♥
♥We have such a laugh together♥
♥She's sooo pretty!♥
♥But, make sure your nice to her♥
♥Coz shes fecking hard mayte!♥
♥She is a worse pisshead then me...kinda♥
♥But when were together, we are just as bad♥
♥We spend so much time together♥
♥And always will do!♥
♥I'd never swap her for anyone or anything♥
♥She is a bad influence to me!♥
♥But I love her for it!♥
♥Love the fact that all we talk about is sex!♥
♥Coz its the bestest convo's ever!♥
♥She's so hott!♥
♥She is rather random♥
♥She hates college♥
♥Like me, she makes pointless stupid noises!♥
♥And pulls ridiculous faces!♥
♥But she rocks my socks!♥
♥You are a freakkk!♥
♥This guy absolutely rocks my socks!♥
♥Known his for about 2 years♥
♥Had so many mad time with this wacky dude!♥
♥He has a phitt girlfriend...Luci♥
♥He does his silly wonky eye thing loads♥
♥Like what he is doing in that pic♥
♥He is the most odd person I think I know♥
♥Always up for having a laugh♥
♥Always able to make me giggle!♥
♥He likes to go jew-hunting♥
♥He does the bestest impressions of Borat!♥
♥He loves to walk around in his Borat thong♥
♥In ONLY his Borat thong!♥
♥We love to get people to play the bagpipes♥
♥And chase Einstein look-a-likes♥
♥We hate college♥
♥But still manage to have a laugh♥
♥We love to play Bingo♥
♥And go on 'Pull-a-Granny' nights out!♥
♥We love doggin!♥
♥And going to the Cruise♥
♥Coz my car is so hott and sexier then everyone elses♥
♥Love Ste to bits!♥
♥Absolute legendary!♥
♥This is my sister♥
♥She is a bitch!
♥We hardly ever get on!♥
♥But when we do, its amazing!♥
♥She has a boyfriend called Patrick!♥
♥Who I will talk about next♥
♥Lucy has a unhealthy addiction to posing!♥
♥She is a MySpace whore! Hehe!♥
♥She likes to boogie with me♥
♥In my basement partays!♥
♥She can be the laziest person I have ever known♥
♥And most of the time, she is!♥
♥She goes to Birkenhead Sixth Form♥
♥Which in my opinion, is a shit-hole!
♥She is actually quite cool!♥
♥She does an amazing impression of a gospel choir singer!
♥That makes me wet myself laughing!♥
♥I love her to bits really though!♥
♥Even though I do take the piss outta her!♥
♥HARSHLY! Hehe!♥
We love...
♥1) The Wineage - Horny Juice♥
♥2) The Stella Laa - Loopy Juice♥
♥3) House partayss - Lots of juice involved♥
♥4) Fancy Dress - Making man juice cum out♥
♥5)Getting Drunked - We would so make eachother leak wee juice from laughing at eachother♥
♥Haha, this girl is an absolute legend♥
♥We love to table dance at house partays!♥
♥We love seeing fridges filled with ale baby yerr!♥
♥She has alot of boobage!♥
♥And she needs to donate me some!♥
♥We always seem to attract lesbians♥
♥Or ultimate REM's!♥
♥This is not good!♥
♥But we feel too mean to them to turn them down♥
♥Which is even worse! Lol♥
♥We always wake up thinking...♥
'Were he hell did I get that bruise from?'
♥We were both highly in-love with Isabelle!♥
♥We have many sessions we need to get through!♥
♥A tattoo session...♥
♥A fancy dress session...♥
♥A partay session...♥
♥A table dancing session...♥
♥A hott dude hunting session...♥
♥Lets ROCK!♥
Dude Ste
♥Right, Dude Ste is the LEGEND!
♥He is loved by everyone♥
♥And will always be loved by everyone!♥
♥Drinking sessions with this guy are quality
♥Had some of the best times of my life with this dude!♥
♥He makes the bestest fire's ever♥
♥He drives around in the famous sexual Baby Blue♥
♥A prettyful Corsa :)♥
♥He speaks in the bestest way ever!♥
♥He is my lil fighting buddy!♥
♥And together, we kick ass!♥
♥Coz we're dead-hard!♥
♥He is always up for laughs and giggles!♥
♥He loves to boogie with my mum to Meatloaf!♥
♥Partays are just not the same without him!♥
♥He's got the bestest taste in music ever!♥
♥He's a little hottie♥
♥And he so knows it!♥
♥I want his Billabong top!♥
♥And I will rob it off him!♥
♥He just doesn't know it yet!♥
♥He best not stop partaying with me!♥
♥Otherwise, there will be problems!♥
♥Love this dude to bits♥
Top Dude Ever!
Dude Dave
♥Dave is a dude!
♥This guy originally took away my Bala virginity!♥
♥That weekend was random...♥
♥...yet quality
♥He has a beautiful Corolla♥
♥Named Carol♥
♥He is still in need introducing me to Liverpool♥
♥It will be done♥
♥And it will be amazing!♥
♥I love partaying with Dave♥
♥And getting absolutely hammered!♥
♥He is a great talker!♥
♥And a great listener♥
♥And deep convo's are great with Dave :)♥
♥He is a legend when he's hammered♥
♥And a legend when he's not♥
♥He is an all round good egg♥
♥Love this legend!♥
Dude Pete
Legendary Pete!
♥The James Blunt look-a-like♥
♥This dude is quality!♥
♥He makes me giggle so much♥
♥Without meaning to sometimes♥
♥He drives around in Captain♥
♥Which is such a pretty car♥
♥But I can't believe I got in the car with him♥
♥When I found out why he lost his last car♥
♥He is my lil sign-robbing buddy♥
♥Over the months we have taken some funky signs♥
♥To decorate the basement with♥
♥He is a lil cutie♥
♥Hes amazing to partay with♥
♥And I will defo be partaying with him loads more♥
♥It just aint a partay without Pete!♥
♥This dude so totally rocks socks!♥
♥Such a lovable dude!♥
♥Huw is my brother from another mother♥
♥He is so amazing♥
♥He really has lived life to the full♥
♥By that I mean...♥
Gang-Bangs/Orgies/Alot of experiemnting!♥
♥He has a perverted obsession with ginger's♥
♥Especially ones with big hair!♥
♥And, not only on their head!♥
♥He loves to go ginger muff diving!
♥He is the ultimate piss-head♥
♥Once he starts, he wont stop♥
♥Until he passes out♥
♥He is a wacky driver!♥
♥Especially when under the influence of alcohol♥
♥He is a danger to himself!♥
♥It's amazing! HAHA!♥
♥Like me, he is a party animal♥
♥Love ya to bits mayte! One of a kind!♥
♥Partay on lirrrd!♥
The Perfect Boy
♥Give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in♥
♥Leave her cute notes♥
♥Kiss her in front of your friends♥
♥Tell her she looks beautiful♥
♥Look in to her eyes when you talk to her♥
♥Let her mess with your hair♥
♥Touch her hair♥
♥Just walk around with her♥
♥Forgive her for her mistakes♥
♥Look at her like she's the only girl you see♥
♥Tickle her even when she says stop♥
♥Hold her hand when you are around your friends♥
♥When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her♥
♥Let her fall asleep in your arms♥
♥Get her mad, then kiss her♥
♥Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything♥
♥Tease her and let her tease you back♥
♥Stay up all night with her when she's sick♥
♥Watch her favourite movie with her♥
♥Give her the world♥
♥Let her wear your clothes♥
♥When she's sad, hang out with her♥
♥Let her know she's important♥
♥Kiss her in the pouring rain♥
♥When you fall in love with her, tell her♥
♥And when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before♥
♥He's gotta be out there somewhere!♥

My Interests

My Interests
♥Being with friends♥
♥Dressing Up!♥
♥Listening to music♥
♥Playing the drums♥
♥Taking pictures♥
♥Having house partays♥
♥Going to local gigs♥
♥Gorge walking♥
♥Angel Delight♥
♥Being creative♥
♥Acting a fool♥
♥Thinking of lesbians!♥

I'd like to meet:

♠Pancho - because he is MINE!♠
♠Lee Dainton - coz hes amazing!♠
♠Prichard - utterly funny!♠
♠Dan Joyce - coz his laugh rocks♠
SpongeBob SquarePants - I want to touch him♠
♠Angelina Jolie - to give her a damn good seeing to!♠
♠Jenna Jameson - so she can give me a damn good seeing to♠
♠Carmen Electra - so she can sort me out♠
♠Pussycat Dolls - so I can smack each one of them in the face♠



♥Amber Pacific♥
♥Alanis Morissette♥
♥Alkaline Trio♥
♥The Archies♥
♥Arethra Franklin♥
Avril Lavigne
♥Basic Operations♥
♥Blink 182♥
♥Bloodhound Gang♥
♥Bowling For Soup♥
♥Bullet For My Valentine♥
♥The Calling♥
♥Charles and Eddie♥
♥Chuck Berry♥
♥The Clash♥
♥Coheed and Cambria♥
♥Counting Crows♥
♥Cute Is What We Aim For♥
♥Cypress Hill♥
David Banner
♥David Ford♥
Dizzee Rascal
♥DJ Marky Mark♥
♥DJ Zinc♥
♥The Donna's♥
♥Fat Boy Slim♥
♥Fleetwood Mac♥
♥Flip n Fill♥
Flogging Molly
♥Foo Fighters♥
The Fray
♥From First To Last♥
♥Funeral For A Friend♥
♥Future Prophecies♥
♥The Game♥
Gina G
♥Goo Goo Dolls♥
♥Groove Rider♥
♥Gwen Stefani♥
♥Hit The Lights♥
Hot Action Cop
Jamie Kennedy
♥Jimmy Eat World
♥Joe Budden♥
♥Kanye West♥
♥The Killers♥
♥The Kooks♥
♥Lady Soverign♥
♥Less Than Jake♥
♥Letters To Cleo♥
Lil John
♥Lil Wayne♥
♥Linkin Park♥
♥Lloyd Banks♥
♥Lost Prophets♥
♥MC Hammer♥
♥Micky Modelle♥
♥Missy Elliot♥
♥My Former Self♥
♥Nerf Herder♥
♥New Found Glory♥
♥New Order♥
♥Nine Inch Nails♥
♥Ok Go!♥
♥Papa Roach♥
♥The Postal Service♥
♥Princess Superstar♥
♥The Proclaimers♥
♥Public Domain♥
♥Rage Against The Machine♥
♥The Ramones♥
♥Right Said Fred♥
♥Roni Size♥
♥Sean Paul♥
♥Sex Pistols♥
♥SixPence None The Richer♥
♥Smashing Pumpkins♥
Son Of Dork
Special D
♥Snoop Dogg♥
♥Spin Doctors♥
♥The Sweet♥
♥System Of A Down♥
♥Taking Back Sunday♥
♥Tenacious D♥
♥Weird Al♥
♥Will Smith♥


♥40 Year Old Virgin♥
♥8 Mile♥
♥American Beauty♥
♥Basic Instinct♥
♥Battle Royale♥
♥Big Momma's House♥
♥The Birdcage♥
Blade Triology
♥The Boondock Saints♥
♥Bride of Chucky♥
♥Bruce Almighty♥
The Butterfly Effect
♥Coyote Ugly♥
♥The Craft♥
♥Cruel Intentions♥
♥Dangerous Minds♥
♥The Descent♥
♥Donnie Darko♥
♥Empire Records♥
♥Eyes Wide Shut♥
♥Finding Nemo♥
♥The Fifth Element♥
♥Flushed Away♥
♥Forest GUmp♥
Free Willy!
♥From Dusk Till Dawn♥
♥The Goonies♥
♥Green Street♥
♥House of Wax♥
♥Ice Age♥
♥Ice Age 2♥
Killing Zoe
♥The Man Who Sued God♥
♥The Money Pit♥
♥Mission Impossible♥
♥Mission Impossible 2♥
♥Mr and Mrs Smith♥
♥Mrs Doubtfire♥
♥Murder By Numbers♥
♥Naked Gun♥
♥The Notebook♥
The Nutty Professor
♥One Hour Photo♥
♥Out Law♥
♥Pitch Black♥
♥Pirates of the Caribbean♥
♥Saw 2♥
♥Saw 3♥
♥Scary Movie (Triology)♥
♥Shaun Of The Dead♥
♥Skeleton Key♥
♥Sleeping with the Enemy♥
♥SpongeBob Sqaure Pants♥
♥Stand By Me♥
♥Team America♥
♥Ten Things I Hate About You♥
♥Toy Story♥
♥True Lies♥
♥V For Vendetta♥
♥Wallace and Gromit♥
♥Weird Science♥


♥Dirty Sanchez♥
♥Eddie Murphy♥
♥The FBI Files♥
♥Laurel and Hardy♥
♥Lee Evans♥
♥Murder Detectives♥
♥The Royal Family♥
♥SpongeBob SquarePants♥


♥Fast Car♥
♥George's Marvellous Medicine♥
♥Max Power♥


My Hero's
♥Team America♥
♥The Jolly Postman♥

My Blog

Do my test!!

Posted by ..eMz.. on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:41:00 PST