!Morgan Hill Music! profile picture

!Morgan Hill Music!

get funky.

About Me

Welcome to Morgan Hill Music. My name is Eliza and I am the moderator.
The bands and the music here in Morgan Hill are really important to me. The way I see it, they're the only thing keeping us from a "hicksville" type of town that would eventually drive all the adolescent types to suicide.
I'm also really devoted to getting you what you want. I know how it is- being bored on a Saturday night and searching the net for an hour till you find a good show, only to find out it would probably be over in an hour anyways. So if you dont see a band you love, are looking for more show details, or have any requests at all, please let me know.
my laptop is glued to my hip, so if you message me asking if i know of a show for this weekend i'll probably get you a response within the hour (unless im at work, and in that case you'll have to forgive me since- i need to eat)
so far some controversy has arisen regaurding who this site should be supporting. I'm just going to say... this site is for you, the residents of Morgan Hill. Just because we live in this town doesnt mean we're bound to it. Many of us like to attend shows outside of MoHill. I do not respond to the opinion that I am being disloyal to Morgan Hill just because I have Gilroy, San Jose, Modesto, and Hollister bands/shows promoted. I am here to promote all shows/venues within a reasonable driving distance, not to tell people what shows they can and should go to and which they shouldnt.

My Interests

Band Update Broke Up: Aim for the Eyes,
The Industry,
Glory Aside,
Blow Up the Sky,
Sonic Mirth (yes i know its hard to accept),
Pleasure to Burn,
Ours for the Taking
A Life in Vain
Today Tomorrow and Forever
Recording: Sayonara Senor
Silent Envy
and Ashes Ashes debuting their FULL LENGTH in '07
Opposite of Grey
Other:Impact has changed their name to Vespera,
Some of the guys from Plans for Revenge have formed Conway,
two former members from Pleasure to Burn have started a new project and are in need of a bassist
Musician Hunt: Brea needs a bass player,
Resist Your Fall looking for a new bassist,
Vespera also looking for a new bass player,
A Common Destiny is in need of a drummer
Living for The End

Switch Syndrome



I'd like to meet:

This is all for the gangstas, dancers, smoke junkies, scene kids, emo losers, metal heads, starving homeschoolers, lost cheerleaders, and anyone who like to get into the mosh pit. For the sound of music, here is the place to find the locals and there shows! Invite your friends!
And for all you bands out there trying to make it big. I do not personally book shows. I can however direct you to people who can book you a show and promote your shows when they have been booked. I can also design banners and flyers for you if youre in the need of one quick.
Concert Flyers for MAY
Special News!

Morgan Hill Bands

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A Common Destiny
A Perfect Nothing
A Skylit Drive
Above City Light
Arsonists Get All The Girls
Ashes Ashes
Awakened by Dreams
Bad Genitx
Cele de
Circle Que
Curbside Attraction
Dennis is Dead
Eskimo Dance Squad
Expose the Flaw
Fat Chicks Sink Ships
The Figureheads
Fire in the Morgue
Five Minutes to Freedom
Good Intentions
The Great Divorce
Heavy Heavy Low Low
The Holy Ghost Circuit
Keeping Distance
Kiss My Kick
Know Your Waking
Korea has Nukes
Living for the End
Maya Over Eyes
My Former Self
October Sky
Opposite of Grey
The Orangeburg Massacre
Paris is Burning
The Pilots Wife
Red Fall
Resist Your Fall
Ruth Way
Sayonara Senor
Silent Envy
So Help me God
Strangers Arms
The Subtle Way
Switch Syndrome

The Cave
The Rock
The Krazy Koyote
831 Dudecore
Stiletto Productions
The Pond


all these local bands of course. plus all the venues and their volunteers. thanks for all the work you guys put in...all the fans appreciate it.

My Blog

Living for the End needs your Support!!

SAN JOSE SKATE BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!   Living for the End has been asked to bring along 50 fans! this is their biggest commitment yet and they could really use your support! i have been asked pe...
Posted by !Morgan Hill Music! on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:00:00 PST

old banners

Aim For The Eyes Capistrano Sevenson ODF Curbside Attraction Mocking Bird 3">3">?texarea>A Perfect Nothing Living for the End ...
Posted by !Morgan Hill Music! on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 11:49:00 PST

!theyre trying to take away our music scene!

The Den "Well, that time has come...another bureaucratic bullshit move by a suit behind a desk! The powers that be in the City of San Jose have shut the door on the youth of San Jose, yet again. ...
Posted by !Morgan Hill Music! on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 03:21:00 PST