About Me
Where to begin. What could I say here that could possibly make me sound interesting. Well to start, I'm 24 and and trying to figure out life right now. I thought i had a plan on what i wanted to do for the rest of my life and things changed, so now i am not quite so sure. From an early age I knew exactly what i was going to do in life. I tried the college thing a few years ago to go and be a doctor, but burned myself out on it, so i've been in kind of a limbo since. It really sucks when you know you are going to do something for so long and then one day you are not doing it anymore. So after a few years of working just to work, i enlisted the help of the government to to help me find my path for life. So now here I am still trying to figure it all out, only now just taking it a day at a time. Its no fun planning too far in advance.Ok now that i've bored you all with my life story, I'll see if i can pick this up a little. Let me say that i started doing this about 1:30 in the morning and did not stop till about 5:30 am. This shit has got to be worse than crack as far as addictions go. Completely exhausted, I could not stop looking through profiles and searching on the network. That's cazy. I bet you all feel the same way. Well any way, before i start ranting, oh wait it's too late for that. Alright to the point. I am a very eclectic person and I can find fun in almost anything. But what I really love is adenline. the faster I can go, the higher I can fall, the better the ride. I love to snowboard and ride rollar coasters, and skydine when i have the cash and the time to do so. I also cant sit still for very long. As long as i am moving things are cool. When i sit still for too long i get bored. I guess thats why some of my friends called me fidget, cause when i used to sit for too long i start to play with things around me I love hanging out with my friends but unfortunately i dont get to see them all that often anymore, cause right now i am done in SC. Well i really dont know what else to say here. I think i've bored you all enough so far.
Just one last thing, if anyone wants, IM me on Aim at LaXtreme24. Thats all I got for now.