[Wild Bill] profile picture

[Wild Bill]


About Me

I love music, it's my life. I love singing and having a good time. I love living fast and I love having fun. I've been through alot over the years and now I'm starting on a clean slate. I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain in life and I'm determined to see what it has in store for me other than rotting in Chattanooga. I want to see the world. I'm still searching for my one true love.

My Interests

I like skateboarding, singing, moshing, RUB, wrestling, girls, and all other activities that involve alot of people. My life mostly revolves around music. I like to hang out with my friends... mostly Justin Hardy.

I'd like to meet:

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Blacksmith Live at Ziggy's of Chattanooga

Blacksmith Live at Ziggy's of Chattanooga Visit [ http://blacksmith-kingdom.com/ ] from time to time to see when it gets up and running with more videos, sound samples, bios, pics, etc.


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I miss you bro. I'll never forget. I'll see you again some day.

My Blog

So I guess I'm moving...

Well it turns out that I'll be moving to Wilmington, NC in December. Yep... wow. This is wierd cause I'm like leaving Chattanooga. I was born in Erlanger for god's sake! This is wierd. It's gotta happ...
Posted by [Wild Bill] on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:21:00 PST


I've figured out that life's a bitch... and eventually you just die, you have to work hard to play hard, and you can't trust anyone but yourself. Fuck it. Fuck everything.... and fuck the government. ...
Posted by [Wild Bill] on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:33:00 PST