I´m rather busy nowadays so I´ll get back to you on this. Need to think about it.
Anyone who is interesting. Do you think you are interesting?
I´m the type that just switches on the radio and hears what´s playing. A hopeless cause with the names of the songs and bands. Generally, I prefer oldies.
Anna and the King, Finding Nemo (so cute!!), Lord of the Rings (movie´s MUCH better than the book), ghost stories/ thrillers ...
Japanese anime!!! I recommend Fruit Basket to anyone who hasen´t seen it! MTV´s Dismissed´s pretty amusing too hehe.
Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, Timeline. Am also a sucker for romance novels. The new book "Geisha" is worth reading too.
This might sound lame, but my hero is my grandma. It´s just amazing how she survived through the hardships of her life. Heck, she´s still taking care of my cousins!