violet profile picture


"as seen on "Dateline NBC's:To Catch a Predator""

About Me

-just here -people observer -easy to talk to -music enthusiast -drummer boyy -relax and chill most of the time -stupid, sensless humor makes me laugh -i still use the word "rad" -bored and wanna go sumwhere -im good at telling stories -dont really know what else to put -i'd rather drown than swim, if i cant walk on water "i dont know my future after this weekend, and i dont want to" -bjork_

My Interests

-music -family -friends -lounging -staying out all-nite -meeting new people (sumtimes) -that short haired grrl over there -female vocalists...Siobhan De Mare' is goddess -tinkerbell -going out for no reason -"jackass" humor -working -pool -mini-golf -video games -pizza -eating out -tea -Village Inn at 1 or 2am -walking a mall, park, apartment complex or neighborhood -rain -watching Billy and Mandy, Zim, Jackass, team sanchez, Beavis and butthead and or wonder showzen with my squidgit little brother and laughing our asses off at the same parts together -music videos -the enigma that is the future of our nation and humanity...

I'd like to meet:

Siobhan De Mare', Bjork, Morgan Freeman, Sarah McLachlan, John Travolta, Richard Gere, Amanda Palmer, Samantha Maloney, Samantha Mathis, Wendy James, Swan, Claire Robbins, Pixie, Belladonna, Little Summer, Victoria Adams, Julya Chernetsky, Fairuza Balk, Brittney Daniel, Famke Janssen...
Name: christopher
Birthdate: on the day i was born..
Birthplace: the middle of a desert..
Current Location: a house with roomies..
Eye Color: green..
Hair Color: dark brown but looks black..
Height: my cous said "taller than 5'8" so ill go with that..
Weight: 192'
Piercings: none, it closed up..
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no..
Overused Phraze: IDKFA
Food: pizza, ribs, seafood, Italian, anything homade....i eat out every now and then..
Candy: not much really...twix??
Number: 21
Color: black??
Animal: Hedgehogs, a dog person..
Drink: iced tea.....especially my grandmas..
Alcohol Drink: anyhting
Bagel: sure..
Letter: X
Body Part on Opposite sex: i hav a foot fetish..
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi..
McDonalds or BurgerKing: both
Strawberry or Watermelon: both
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice..
Chocolate or Vanilla both
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: both...definately..
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: both....from ice cube to onyx to MxPx and pennywise...there were era's in my life...
Summer or Winter: both
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: lov...
Bedtime: anytime
Most Missed Memory: ..believe it or not, high school....(friends, mornings, lunch, "the table", not going to class, the music (still hav), KXCR radio on saturdays, my braids, the nights, shows, freeway lanes(pool), village inn.."drowning past regrets in tea and cigarettes"), i met my former girlfriends....
Best phyiscal feature: everyone points out my eyes and ive been told i hav nice hands..
First Thought Waking Up: *feels other side of bed..."oh...she left"..
Goal for this year: to get the hell out of debt so i can return to school, my own place and a new job.....almost there..
Best Friends: too many..."the table"
Weakness: im a sucker for a short haired girl......"with a pretty smile"..
Heritage: hispanic..though everyone thinks im white...
Longest relationship: 1 yr 7 mos....and had only seen each other 17 times...
Ever Drank: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" -Benjamin Franklin-
Ever Smoked: i dont smoke
Pot: never hav, never will....
Ever been Drunk: whaa??.....
Ever been beaten up: ever meet my friends??..
Ever beaten someone up: no....i hate fighting..
Ever Shoplifted: som gum when i was 4..and honestly nothing ever after....ok well a couple of those big whataburger posters with a burger on them that stick on the windows.....i do miss high school..
Ever Skinny Dipped: huh no...
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: ...yea?..
Been Dumped Lately: no....
Favorite Eye Color: any
Favorite Hair Color: various
Short or Long: short short short
Height: any
Style: any, as long as shes herself...
Looks or Personality: careless, free-spirit...
Hot or Cute cute, definatley..
Drugs and Alcohol: no matter, just hope that it wouldn't cause collapse..
Muscular or Really Skinny: athletic
Number of Regrets in the Past: no regrets, no alarms and no suprises..
What country do you want to Visit: Sweden or the bring back a cute short-haired school girl..
How do you want to Die: "I'll be dammed.....this is funny"..
Been to the Mall Lately: a week ago..
Do you like Thunderstorms: of course..
Get along with your Parents: yes
Health Freak: not really but i take care of myself...
Do you think your Attractive: fairly..
Believe in Yourself: yes..
Want to go to College: yes yes..
Do you Smoke:&..39;>
Do you Drink:
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes..
Do you Sing: never..
Want to get Married: nnnnoot yet..
Do you want Children: dont know...
Have your future kids names planned out: kind of...
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: a long ass time ago...
Hate anyone: i dont hate...

CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!rammstein - sonne


Mono violet indiana Atari teenage riOt fear factory Sneaker Pimps Otep Dresden Dolls KiDneythieves natalie imBruglia iCe cube P.M.Dawn Limp Bizkit CSS Tracy Bonham slipknot Children of Bodom Queensryche Sevendust Chimaira Polly Jean Harvey Type O neGative hum Superior Kittie Franka potente Garbage coal chamber ozzy Sabbath paw godsmack tori amos Alison krauss Union Station jewel Jennifer marks Killswitch Engage CypreSs hiLL God Lives Underwater CraDle Metallica Lamb of GoD rabbit in the moOn juno reactor portishead Idiot Pilot swervedriver heather nova System of a down Sade Alanis Morissette Future sound of london Sigur Ros republica zero 7 Tegan and Sara moloko mansOn lisa loeb KorN Zombie the sugarcubes John Lennon tsunami bomb SwitchBLade sYmphony therapy? Drowning pool Rammstein Babes in Toyland Sinead O'Connor house of Pain Azure ray strapping young lad disturbed creed Dave matthews band Duran Duran Mazzy Star The Birthday Massacre Sir Elton John tool Cocteau Twins Robin Guthrie Live Tricky Dubstar Pantera Celine Dion Roxette Billy Idol ZZ Top Rush Heart Cat Power Alice in Chains t.A.t.U. Olive filter smashing pumpkins Fleetwood Mac George Strait No Doubt DiXie chiCks Bif NaKed Wicked Wisdom Loreena McKennit hatebreed aerosmith the who BjOrk hole esthero 311 Drugstore sonic youth Bananarama Sarah McLachlan Underworld The Corrs pOe U2 The Cardigans Martina McBride MoBy Bomb the Bass Van Halen MuDvayne sTp the Cranberries DiDo MushroOmhead Snake River conspiracy Enigma Bran van 3000 KM-FDM MD-FMK Static-X Stabbing WeStward anthrax charlie daniels band Salt veruca salt delerium Radiohead lucious jackson Enya Massive attack the Distillers Orbital Rage against the machine PrimUs the Eagles The Pixies Lush Bestie bOys Soundgarden audioslave pulp Ministry Yeah yeah yeah's Lamb Cibo Matto Coldplay Dimmu Borgir AtoMizer Dot aLLison Mark Mancina John Williams MoZart Hans Zimmer Danny ELfman .....RiP: Carl crack, Cliff burton, LaYne Staley, dave wiLLiams, Dimebag Darrell hav taught uS weLL....


Carnivale Sons of Anarchy Real Time with Bill Maher Dharma and Greg Metalocalypse Def Poetry futurama Moral Orel the simpsOns space ghost Will and Grace Everybody loves Raymond Seinfeld whO's line mXc Headbangers ball jackass team sanchez wonder showzen Beavis and Butthead Liquid television Looney Tunes Lilo & stitch grim adventures of billy and mandy animaniacs daria family guy Invader ZiM South Park the presentators Uranium Uranium CLassic Metal Asylum The Alternative SuBterranean reverB ...i also watch nearly any live performance on t.v., dvd, and then som...i also watch audio music channels "Music Choice", "Sirius", or sum other worthy successor for hours on end,i just blast it when no ones hom...


Of Mice and Men, lyric books to my music collection..


My great grandmother Guadalupe "Mamane" Parada, 101 years R.i.P., all elders in my family who hav taught me to love, respect and work, Arthur Fonseca, Oscar Wolford III and Mama Wolford R.i.P...thanks for the good laughs, good games, good food,brews and good times..

My Blog

som petty crush..

you look So fine i want to...break your heart and give you mineyou're taking me over it's so insane you've got me...tethered and cHainedi hear your nameand i'm falling overi'm not like all t...
Posted by violet on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 01:01:00 PST