8-[ ∞: Dr. [siq]Syn[sation] :Ω]---- profile picture

8-[ ∞: Dr. [siq]Syn[sation] :Ω]----

...I AM I...

About Me

Ulvarysurvey # 008..type='hidden' name='question1' value='Ulvarysurvey+%23+008'..type='hidden' name='type1' value='2'
What is your full name? Ulvarihs Qwom Vynibj Hehrp..type='hidden' name='question2' value='What+is+your+full+name%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type2' value='1'
Vampires or Werewolves? Both....but I think I would be suited as a werewolf a little more......type='hidden' name='question3' value='Vampires+or+Werewolves%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type3' value='1'
Favorite Place on Earth? In my room….and in forests/ surrounded by nature..type='hidden' name='question4' value='Favorite+Place+on+Earth%3F'..type='hidden' name='type4' value='1'
Are you an Internet Junkie? yes….and no…...type='hidden' name='question5' value='Are+you+an+Internet+Junkie%3F'..type='hidden' name='type5' value='1'
Favorite piece of Art or Drawing? I don’t really have a favorite drawing….or piece of art either…..maybe myself…...type='hidden' name='question6' value='Favorite+piece+of+Art+or+Drawing%3F'..type='hidden' name='type6' value='1'
Favorite Historical Character? ….myself I suppose…...type='hidden' name='question7' value='Favorite+Historical+Character%3F'..type='hidden' name='type7' value='1'
What do you want put on your will? That I’m buried 8 feet under in a wooden coffin, that I’m not cremated, that anything from any religion has anything to do with my funeral, that most of my work is placed into a museum, that someone builds a statue of me…and places it in some art museum, that I’m not forgotten, that my French Baret is returned to Raven, that my stuffed bunny matter is placed under Kevin’s grace….etc…...type='hidden' name='question8' value='What+do+you+want+put+on+your+will%3F'..type='hidden' name='type8' value='1'
What do you want on your gravestone? On my gravestone….I’ll probably have a poem….of mine placed on there…...type='hidden' name='question9' value='What+do+you+want+on+your+gravestone%3F'..type='hidden ' name='type9' value='1'
..type='submit' value='Embrace this Survey'
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~ Questionnaire: Ulvarysurvey # 888 ~..type='hidden' name='question1' value='%7E+Questionnaire%3A++Ulvarysurvey+Volume+%23+888+%7E '..type='hidden' name='type1' value='2'
Your Nicknames/Aliases? Some Include: Lion, Leon, Vincent, Him, Ville’ Valo, Werewolf, Vampire, Beast, Sexy Beast, Belial, Beelzebub, Hun, Fluffy, Baby, Paul Allender, Dr. Hehrpentien, Jesus Christ/ Satan Christ, Charles Manson, Gumbie, Moragan, Travis, Kirk Hammot, Cooshie, Frou Frou, Oscar [sesame street], Purple Panda, Father Nature, Sloth, Forest man/Cave man, Apolion, The autumn spade, King Spade, Kid…etc…..type='hidden' name='question2' value='Your+Nicknames%2FAliases%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type2' value='1'
Your Personality? My personality is my own, but it’s closely related to mostly calm & cool; charismatic thinking & feeling;…I do have this wild side though….i’m a bit bi-polar at times….i’m either depressed or neutral….I can’t really say I’ve been to happy I this life…...type='hidden' name='question3' value='Your+Personality%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type3' value='1'
Your Skin, Hair, & Eye Color? Their all brown like the earth…...type='hidden' name='question4' value='Your+Skin%2C+Hair%2C+%26+Eye+Color%3F+'..type='hidden ' name='type4' value='1'
Your Weight & Height? ~ 141 & 5’6 ½ - 5’7..type='hidden' name='question5' value='Your+Weight+%26+Height%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type5' value='1'
Your Waist & Shoe Size? 28-30 & 8 ½ - 9..type='hidden' name='question6' value='Your+Waist+%26+Shoe+Size%3F'..type='hidden' name='type6' value='1'
Your Ethnicity? ….I like to let people guess….b..type='hidden' name='question7' value='Your+Ethnicity%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type7' value='1'
What is your Sexual Orientation? Well I don’t really follow after orientations….I do as I please….I have some attractions to certain males….but mostly females….and other things….I have some interest in pan-sexuality.
..type='hidden' name='question8' value='What+is+your+Sexual+Orientation%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type8' value='1'
Your Intelligence on a Scale of 1-8? ~ 8….even though I’m a little slow at times…...type='hidden' name='question9' value='Your+Intelligence+on+a+Scale+of+1-8%3F+'..type='hidde n' name='type9' value='1'
Your Beauty on a Scale of 1-8? ~6 (According to some People…I’m an 8)..type='hidden' name='question10' value='Your+Beauty+on+a+Scale+of+1-8%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type10' value='1'
Your Birth Date and Birth Stone? Sapphire..type='hidden' name='question11' value='Your+Birth+Date+and+Birth+Stone%3F'..type='hidden' name='type11' value='1'
Your Zodiac Element? Earth..type='hidden' name='question12' value='Your+Zodiac+Element%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type12' value='1'
Your Zodiac Sign? Virgo..type='hidden' name='question13' value='Your+Zodiac+Sign%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type13' value='1'
….I suppose the Ibanqh and Oqtyggram…...type='hidden' name='question14' value='Do+you+have+a+personal+sign%3F'..type='hidden' name='type14' value='1'
Your Favorite Type of Vehicle? Herse, Lamb. Diablo (Specifically Bam Margera’s and in General), Volkswagon, Chrystler..etc.....type='hidden' name='question15' value='Your+Favorite+Type+of+Vehicle%3F'..type='hidden' name='type15' value='1'
What is your Religion? I don’t have one….I believe in “Noigiler” Yggraism, it’s a belief system I founded…...type='hidden' name='question16' value='What+is+your+Religion%3F+'..type='hidden' name='type16' value='1'
Do you have any Piercings or Tattoos? 8 Piercings for now….No Tattoos (yet)...type='hidden' name='question17' value='Do+you+have+any+Piercings+or+Tattoos%3F+'..type='hidd en' name='type17' value='1'
How is your Vision (Do you wear glasses or contacts)? I am Myopic (Nearsighted, and yes I wear glasses…I want contacts, and I wish I didn’t have to wear glasses at all….)...type='hidden' name='question18' value='How+is+your+Vision+%28Do+you+wear+glasses+or+contacts %29%3F'..type='hidden' name='type18' value='1'
Your Favorite Number? Eight {8}…etc......type='hidden' name='question19' value='Your+Favorite+Number%3F'..type='hidden' name='type19' value='1'
Your Favorite Color? ….I have to say I love all colors….I mainly utilize any hue purple as a symbol and of Yggraism….it is basically the base color of all earthly aural energy…...type='hidden' name='question20' value='Your+Favorite+Color%3F'..type='hidden' name='type20' value='1'
Your Favorite Shape? ME, Oval, Heart, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Crosses, Stars, Retriangle, Oqtyggram….etc…...type='hidden' name='question21' value='Your+Favorite+Shape%3F'..type='hidden' name='type21' value='1'
Your Chinese Zodiac Animal? Hare..type='hidden' name='question22' value='Your+Chinese+Zodiac+Animal%3F'..type='hidden' name='type22' value='1'
Your Favorite Tool (as in thing to use in any situation) & Weapon? My favorite tools are: the Spade, and myself…etc…My favorite weapons would have to be myself and the Kris Blade and the Scimitar...type='hidden' name='question23' value='Your+Favorite+Tool+%28as+in+thing+to+use+in+any+situa tion%29+%26+Weapon%3F'..type='hidden' name='type23' value='1'
Do you like Animals? ? Yes, I love animals: Humans, Octopi, Wolves, Panthers/Lions, Panda Bears, Rabbits/Hares, Hippopotami, Sheep, Birds, Serpents, Bats…etc…; My daughter Lifil is a Cat...type='hidden' name='question24' value='Do+you+like+Animals%3F'..type='hidden' name='type24' value='1'
If you could be a different type of animal besides human, what would you be? Sense I’m not human anyway….and I’m find with what I am….I wouldn’t be anything else but….well I would either be a Sloth, Wolf/ Coyote, Cat, Octopus or Hare...type='hidden' name='question25' value='If+you+could+be+a+different+type+of+animal+besides+hu man%2C+what+would+you+be%3F'..type='hidden' name='type25' value='1'
Your Favorite Drinks? Water….Cinnamon Schnapps, Water, Juice (Fruit & Vegetable), Blood, Wine (more or so Red), Jagermeister, Root Bear, Dr. Pepper Koolaid…etc…..type='hidden' name='question26' value='Your+Favorite+Drinks%3F'..type='hidden' name='type26' value='1'
Your Favorite Foods? I’d have to say that some of my favorite foods are: Categories: Fruits, Vegetables, Sea Food, Mexican Food, Chinese/Japanese Food - Actual Foods: Sushi, Pizza, Salad, BBQ, Stew, Soup, Top Ramen – Junk Food: Indulgence Trail Mix, Taffy, Ice Cream: Oreo, Coffee; Cherry; Strawberry; Mint Chocolate; Sweet Potato Purple; Honey Comb; Peanut Butter Cup; Cotton Candy, Cake, Cookies, Fudge Chocolate, Caramel, Lollipops…etc… (I have a bit of a “Sweets” or so to speak Confections Liking); I also like to try new things that I haven’t had as well; Like Curry I’d really like to try that…I heard it’s spicy…hehe if I was a video game character I would probably be KIRBY (! ( !.! )(!.!)(!.)(!)..type='hidden' name='question27' value='Your+Favorite+Foods%3F'..type='hidden' name='type27' value='1'
Your Favorite Scents? Autumn, Cherries, Cologne (Preferably British Sterling), Perfume, Coffee, Flowers, Old & New Books, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Burning Leaves, Garbage, Excrement, & Something I’ve never smelt before…etc…..type='hidden' name='question28' value='Your+Favorite+Scents%3F'..type='hidden' name='type28' value='1'
Do you smoke anything or drink alcohol at all, and do any drugs? Yes I smoke cigarettes sometimes; My preference is Djarum Cloves…it’s kind of an on and off thing…I do drink alcohol sometimes….I have to be in the mood….my preference is: Cinnamon Schnapps/Hot Damn and Jagermeister…I’m not to much of a beer person and I don’t like Vodka….I do smoke weed sometimes….and I plan on at least trying acid and ecstasy once…...type='hidden' name='question29' value='Do+you+smoke+anything+or+drink+alcohol+at+all%2C+and+ do+any+drugs%3F'..type='hidden' name='type29' value='1'
Your Love Life? I have been through many situations with love. I have to say most of them have ended in disaster...and even in past lives…they didn’t last that grand…I don’t deal with relationships anymore….although I do want to have atleast a boy and a girl one day…...type='hidden' name='question30' value='Your+Love+Life%3F'..type='hidden' name='type30' value='1'
Your Favorite Holidays? My Birthday, Halloween, 420, Valentines Day, Christmas/xxx-mas, Easter......type='hidden' name='question31' value='Your+Favorite+Holidays%3F'..type='hidden' name='type31' value='1'
Favorites Sin (Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Greed, Anger, Sloth, Envy)? )? I don’t chose one but pretty much all of them: Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Greed….and in some cases Anger…....type='hidden' name='question32' value='Favorites+Sin+%28Gluttony%2C+Lust%2C+Pride%2C+Greed%2 C+Anger%2C+Sloth%2C+Envy%29%3F'..type='hidden' name='type32' value='1'
Are you still a virgin and how do you feel about masturbation? No if you look at it in a believing way…I don’t believe in virginity….and Yes I believe in masturbation…...type='hidden' name='question33' value='Are+you+still+a+virgin+and+how+do+you+feel+about+mast urbation%3F'..type='hidden' name='type33' value='1'
What do you do to relieve Stress? I do many things to relieve stress, including: Listening to Music, Meditating, Yoga (which I don’t do to much anymore, like meditating), Sleeping, Reading a good Book, Watching a Movie to my liking, Writing, Singing, Bowling, Playing a good Game (Paper, Board, Video Games, Physical…etc…), Getting Drunk, Smoking…etc…Spending time with and hearing from…etc…...type='hidden' name='question34' value='What+do+you+do+to+relieve+Stress%3F'..type='hidden' name='type34' value='1'
What do you do on your “free time”? I’m kind of a workaholic sometimes, sometimes I’m a slothaholic….i’m trying to get a job currently and well I want to go big with music, production and design, atleast 4 book series’, photography….and such...type='hidden' name='question35' value='What+do+you+do+on+your+%93free+time%94%3F'..type='hid den' name='type35' value='1'
If you could possess “ONE” ability what would it be? Do you like to shop, if so what are some of the places you like to shop at and what for? Yeah, um Mainly at the Vintage Fair Mall in Modesto….Hot Topic, Spencer Gifts, The Sweet Factory, Suncoast, Game Stop….Grocery Stores, Wal-mart, Music Stores, Collectors Stores…etc…I like to shop Comfortable Clothing, Jewelry, Music, Food/Sweets, Old and Beautiful Things, A good book, Incense….etc….but the problem is, I’m poor...type='hidden' name='question37' value='Do+you+like+to+shop%2C+if+so+what+are+some+of+the+pla ces+you+like+to+shop+at+and+what+for%3F'..type='hidden' name='type37' value='1'
One material & non-material item you will never trade? ..type='hidden' name='question38' value='One+material+%26+non-material+item+you+will+never+tra de%3F'..type='hidden' name='type38' value='1'
One thing you would never do no matter the situation? Now that I know; Not Exist..type='hidden' name='question39' value='One+thing+you+would+never+do+no+matter+the+situation% 3F'..type='hidden' name='type39' value='1'
What is your worst fear? Do you prefer dawn or dusk? I prefer dusk….but I also like those nice autumn days were it’s shady there is a light breeze and it’s neither hot nor cold, just neutral….very beautiful…...type='hidden' name='question41' value='Do+you+prefer+dawn+or+dusk%3F'..type='hidden' name='type41' value='1'
What & Who do you like? ….myself…friends…, My Daughter Lifil, My Stuffed bunny Matter, Depression, The Earth, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Pluto.…etc…., The Seasons: Autumn; Winter; Spring; and Summer….Nature, Space and the Omniverse, Planets, Fantasy, Music, Art, Dark things, Werewolves/Female Werewolves, Wolves, Vampires, Castenions, The shade Black/the color purple/Gray/Orange/Blue/Deep Red/Green/Magenta…etc…Grey, Purple Eyes, Yellow eyes.…etc…., The Drow, The Legend of Drizzt, a good book, a good story, Opera & Theatre, Witchcraft & Lovecraft, The Black Arts, Grimoires, Druidry, Anime/Manga, Video Games, The Moon, The Night, Darkness, Clarity, The Devil, Belial, Beelzebub, Satan, Azazel, Lucifer, Leviathan, Amon, Hecate, Nergal, Fenriz, Pan, Sammael, Thoth, Spiders and pretty much anything affiliated with them, other animals, Mythology, Doors/Windows, Clouds/Nebulas, Trees, My Room, Friends, Jagermeister and Red wine, Djarum Clove Cigarettes and Clove Cigarettes in general, A nice pair of Dark Glasses, Bass Guitar, Math, junk food, Good Food, A good movie, Lotion, The Human Mind, Mechanical Things, Coffins/Graves/Cemeteries, Hades, Hell/Heaven, Angels, Necromance and a Necromantic Love like mine, Love, A Nice Fluffy Bed of Clouds/ Roses/ Cushions, Sleeping, Pajamas, A nice shower, Relaxing & Feeling good, Having someone give me a ride to the snow in a nice car…as I lay in the back left seat with a large pillow and soft thick blanket and pajamas…so I may listen to music and stare out the window and think and dream…, Poetry, Laying down and staring at the sky on a nice autumn day, Water and the Ocean, Fire, an Autumn Breeze, Zombies, Insects, Mad Scientists, The theme of an evil hospital, Converse, Cut off leather strap Gloves, Leather Laced Pants, Frilly/Ruffled Shirts, Makeup/Cosmetics, Ruffs, Medieval Times, Doublets, The concept of Fencing and Bowling (Although I’m not that great at them), Armor, Hair, “Gothic” things & people, the feeling of Urban (sense I’m kind of a city boy…but I do love the country; nature mainly though), the deep sound of cars and trains, Gluttony; Sloth; & Lust, “Sin”, Pain, Jesus Christ, Sadists & Masochists {basically sadomasochists}, Pornography & “Grotesque” Sex, Hentai, Blood, Gore, Death, Jesters, Churches, Religion, Funerals, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, Drapes, Curtains/Valences/Canopies, Crosses and Stars, Torture, Torture Chambers, Interesting People, The Mind, Misanthropia, Human Anatomy, Necessary Mutilation, Rain, Photography, Production, Herses, The Frankenstein Monster and his bride…etc…..type='hidden' name='question42' value='What+%26+Who+do+you+like%3F'..type='hidden' name='type42' value='1'
What & Who do you dislike? Disrespectful; Annoying; & Idiotic People & the human race in general (but there are exceptions), Unnecessary Abuse, Unnecessary Hate; Violence; & War, Famine, Discrimination, Lack of variety (at times) which ties into racism, Loneliness (Sometimes…considering I’m half Intro- and Extro-versive), Hypocrisy, Racism, Martyrdom, Gaining Harmful Diseases/Viruses, Homophobic Individuals that have no respect for people that like the same sex or both, Having a Weak Body that Scars easily, Hypocritical “Christian” Extremists that don’t follow after their “Bible”…but after what their “church” says and that impose on your life, Boredom, Suicide for the most part, Bad Hair, Religion for the most part, Misunderstanding, Regrets, Cops who abuse their power as an officer….also known as pigs, Stuck ups, Bad music in general {Such as most christian, rap r n b, pop, and country….etc….}…...type='hidden' name='question43' value='What+%26+Who+do+you+dislike%3F'..type='hidden' name='type43' value='1'
How do you feel about family and friends? I don’t really care to much for family….I never understood the meaning of it….it’s somewhat like another label….as to say even though I call Lifil my daughter I don’t really understand it…I disowned my biological “mother” Fay long ago…I was about 10…..type='hidden' name='question44' value='How+do+you+feel+about+family+and+friends%3F'..type='h idden' name='type44' value='1'
Do you like anime or manga, if yes what are your favorites? Yes both….I don’t feel like mentioning them….i’m being lazy….(Kirby: Right back at ya! Is the shit)...type='hidden' name='question45' value='Do+you+like+anime+or+manga%2C+if+yes+what+are+your+fa vorites%3F'..type='hidden' name='type45' value='1'
Favorite Movie and TV Show? I have a lot of favorite movies…I don’t really watch TV anymore considering I don’t have cable…. ..type='hidden' name='question46' value='Favorite+Movie+and+TV+Show%3F'..type='hidden' name='type46' value='1'
Do you like to read, if yes what are your favorite books? I love to read, To begin with the book series’ I’m writing…..The Legend of Drizzt, The Last Vampire, The Satanic Bible and Religion in General, Mythology, Dark Tales, Romance & Love, Death….etc…...type='hidden' name='question47' value='Do+you+like+to+read%2C+if+yes+what+are+your+favorite+ books%3F'..type='hidden' name='type47' value='2'
Your Accomplishments & Goals? ...…...type='hidden' name='question48' value='Your+Accomplishments+%26+Goals%3F'..type='hidden' name='type48' value='1'
One wish you have before dying? ….to be well known for something (s)/to not be forgotten…...type='hidden' name='question49' value='One+wish+you+have+before+dying%3F'..type='hidden' name='type49' value='1'
~ This Survey was Created by Ulvarys ~ ..type='hidden' name='question50' value='%7E+This+Survey+was+Created+by+Ulvarihs+%7E'..type='h idden' name='type50' value='1'
..type='submit' value='Embrace This Survey'
Create Thy Owna - or - ...If one would care for payment upon completing surveys Click here...It's weird...September is the 9th month when really "Sept" Means "7" and October Means "8" but it's the 10th month...whow strange....but it matters not....because i'm an AUTUMN baby ^.^Presea....qute....~ Favorite Band Members ~Favorite Singers -Mikael Ã…kerfeldt {OPETH}Peter Steele {Type O Negative/Carnivore}Devin Townsend {Strapping Young Lad/Devin Townsend}Kim Bendix Petersen {Mercyful Fate/ King Diamond}Maynard James Keenan {TooL/A Perfect Circle}Ville' Hermanni Valo {HIM}Dani Filth {Cradle of Filth}Favorite Guitarist -Mikael Ã…kerfeldt {Opeth}Devin Townsend {Strapping Young Lad/Devin Townsend}Favorite Guitarist -Herman Li {Dragon Force}Yngwie Malmsteen {Yngwie Malmsteen}Favorite Bassists -Peter Steele {Type O Negative/Carnivore}Favorite Drummer -Joey Jodisson {Slipknot}Favorite Keyboardist -Oyvind Mustafarta {Mustis - Dimmu Borgir}~ My South Park Version ~~ Beautiful Werewolf Fale ~The Inspirer ~In love, you are passionate and eager to develop a strong bond. For you, sex should be playful, creative, and affectionate.Overall, you are perceptive and bring out the best in your partner. However, you tend to hold on to bad relationships after they've turned bad.{Vishnu}(Drizzt Do'Urden)I want a pet Sloth....I love Weed

My Interests

...I have myriad interests...Spiders, Wolves...Lyqans/WereWolves, The Stars, Uni/Omniverses, Space, Octagrams, Merkabah & Chakra, I like to write {music, poetry, fiction…etc…}, Art/ Drawing, Reading {mainly fantasy, fiction, science, and anything I find interesting…etc…}, Being with nature, Singing, Anime/Manga, Music of all kind, Clouds, Cards, DDR, Heaven & Hell, Dark things, Angels/Angens {the correct spelling of “Angel”}, Demons/Demols {the correct spelling of “Demon”}, Werewolves, Vampires, Holy things, Wicked Things, Old Things, Soft Things, Fluffy Things, Weird things, Beautiful things, Hideous Disgusting Grotesque Things, Things that are Different, Dirty Things ,Pornography & Grotesque Sex, Garbage & Junk, www.gaiaonline.com, www.runescape.com, Candy & Junk Food…etc…; Including: Cherry Sours & Cherry Flavored Candy; Jelly Beans/Eggs; Mike & Ikes, Starbursts; Cakes; Taffy; Chocolate...Food; Including: Spicy Food; Sea Food; Chinese Food; Mexican Food; Pizza…I want to try Cury I heard it’s spicy … Fruit & Vegetables Including: Cherrie; Grape; Broccoli; Celery; Apple; Watermelon; Pickle; Carrot; Cantaloupe; Pomegranate; Bell Pepper; Jalepeno’…Games such as: Kirby; Tales {Mainly Tales of Symphonia}; Final Fantasy; Mega Man… Colors: Any hue of Purple, Sapphire, Crimson, Green/Moon Green, Pink, Orange, Brown, Rainbow and all Colors...etc...}, Jesus Christ, Satan, Bubbles, Misanthropia, Books/Bibles, Eyes, Zodiacs, Succubus'/Succubi's, Incubus/Incubi's, Plushies/Stuffed Cats {Angoras, Persians, Sphinx, Siamese,...etc..}, Insects, Animals/Creatures...etc..., Human Anatomy, Mechanics & Mechanical Things, Depression, Celestial Bodies {Sun,Moon...etc...}, Planets {Mainly Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Mars…etc…}, Mansions/Castles, Egypt {Ra, Anubis, The Ankh, Pharoahs etc...}, Actors/Actresses { Such as: Constance Frances Marie Ockleman {Vernoica Lake} , Béla Ferenc Dezso Blaskó {Bela Lugosi} , Lillian & Dorothy Gish, Jessica Alba, Jolene Blalock , Jaye Davidson, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Christian Bale, Liv Tylor, Warwick Davis, Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortensen, Andy Sekis, Ian McKellen, Bernard Hill, Miranda Otto, Rudolph Martin, Tobin Bell, Anna Bridforth, Anne Hathaway, Jack Nicholson...etc...}, Photography, The season Autumn, Rain, Death, Mythology, Water,The Ocean, The Borg, Dragons, Horns, Pirates, Monarchy...etc...OqtyhgramCycle of 8

I'd like to meet:

Emilia....Melinda....Bridgett....Laurie....~ King Diamond ~Dani Filth....I want to meet Bob Salvatore…the legendary man who created "The Legend of Drizzt" Thankyou…Robert…you are a dear friend to me even if you don’t know me…Anton LeVey {…although he has passed away...rest in piece dear Anton…your death saddened me yet I know you are living beyond your fleshy shell} ....goodbye dear friend....Charles Manson...i'd like to meet mainly just music bands...

look Ville' got caught with his pants down

The Berries and Cream Dance Instruqtions ~~~~Absolutely "REJECTED" ~I lust this....


....a beautiful tune from a beautiful forest....The chanting of monks....the erotic moaning of women....and besides that…I listen to anything I like to, which includes: Rock, Metal, Black Metal, Progressive, Industrial, Techno, Trance, J-Rock {Even though I have a hard time understanding what they’re saying hehe…}, Ambient, Electronica, Darkwave, Opera, Tribal, Spacial/Galactic, “Goth”, Dark & Angelic, Grindcore, Weird Music, I like to listen to Monks Sing in unison as well…the moaning of the ancients…Tribal Music…etc…I don’t just have one interest; it’s many…some of the Individuals, Bands, & Things I listen to are: Radio Station 901.7 & 105.5, 18 Visions, A Perfect Circle, Abgot, Acheron, Alek Szahala, All That Remains, Annie Lennox, Aural Vampire, Ayabie, Bagronk, Bagronk (Metal, Bauhaus, Black Steel, Bob Marley, The Birthday Massacre, The Black Mages, Cannibal Corpse, Cattle Decapitation, Celldweller, Charlene April, Children of Bodom, Coldplay, Collide, CombiChrist, Cradle of Filth, Creed, CybO³, The Cure, Darkest Hour, Death, Death Cab For Cutie, Deathstars, Deicide, Deftones, Depeche Mode, Devil Driver, Diabolical Masquerade, Dido, Dimmu Borgir, Dir En Grey, Dio, Dragonforce, Electric Wizard, Embellish, Enigma, Entwine, Enya, Final Fantasy, Fissure, Foreign Object Damage, Gackt, Gnarls Barkley, Guttural Secrete, Grand Magus, Gwar, Hanzel und Gretyl, Hearts of Black Science, Higgs Bason, HIM, Hour of Penance, Hyde {Jap. Artist}, Hypocrisy, Hypoxia, Inkubus Sukkubus, Iron Maiden, Isengard, James Blunt, Job For a Cowboy, Judas Priest, Kamelot, Kandles at Nine, Katatonia, Killswitch Engage, King Diamond, Kirby, Kiss, KoRn, The Killers, Lacuna Coil, Lamb of God, L’Arch~En~Ciel, Leaves' Eyes, The Legendary Hearts, Lundon Dungeon, Machine Men, Madrilenia, Marilyn Manson, Mega Man/X, Merciless Necrosis, Mercyful Fate, Meshuggah, Metallica, Motograter, My Bloody Valentine, My Chemical Romance, My Craving, Mystique, Nightkarnation, Nirvana, Oblivion's Chronicles, Ohgr, Old Man's Child, OMD, Opeth, Orka Veer, Otep, Ozzy, Parasite Eve {Mainly no. II}, Poisonblack, The Police, The Postal Service, Psyclon Nine, Raggedy Angry, Rammstein, Romanthica, Round Sky Music, Sarah Brightman, Sarah McLachlan, Scientist Vs. Werewolf, Sentinced, Sigh, Six Feet Under, The Sin:Decay, The Smashing Pumpkins, 69 Eyes, Solar Fields, Sting, Super Mario, Switchblade Symphony, Tales of Symphonia, Taproot, Temnozor, Tool, Tweaker, Type O Negative, The Used, Vehemence, Voltaire, Whipkraft, Wolf, Yendri, Za Frûmi…etc…Opeth ~ WhenDark Funeral ~ Atrum ReginaTool - SchismLeaves' Eyes ~ ElegyType O Negative ~ Love you to deathDir En Grey ~ ObscureDir En Grey ~ CageDimmu Borgir ~ Progonies of the Great ApocalypseMarilyn Manson ~ (S)aintAyabie ~ Kimi no Koe to Yakusoku


~ Movies ~Types of Movies Include: Sorrow, Gore/Macabre/Blood/& Horror/Dacryphilic {…I like Chinese and Japanese Horror a lot}, Anime, Disney, Vampires, Dark & Angelic, Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Fiction, Mysteries, Comedy…etc…I like: Aeon Flux, Aladdin, The Animal, The Adventurers, Basic Instinct I & II, Batman Begins, Beauty and The Beast, Blade Movies in General, Blood Sport, The Black Hole, Captain Ron, Child’s Play and Chucky Movies in General, Constantine, Cool World, Critters Movies in General, Cube & Cube Zero, The Craft and Craft Movies in General, The Crow, Date Movie, Death Becomes Her, Denise The Menace Movies in General, Digimon: The Movie, Donnie Darko, Doom, Dracula: The Dark Prince, Double Dragon, Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn & Dragon Ball/Z Movies in General, Duck Tales the Movie, Earth Girls are Easy, Edward Scissorhands, Felix The Cat, Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, Freddie Vs. Jason, Friday the 13th and Jason Movies in General, Nightmare on Elm Str and Freddie Movies in General, From Dusk to Dawn, The Fly Movies In General, The Fog {2005}, Ghost Busters Movies in General, Gremlins Movies In General, The Good the Bad & the Ugly, The Goonies, Gridlok'd, Hokus Pokus, Home Alone Movies in General, Hellraiser Movies in General, The Hills Have Eyes {2006}, The Hitcher, Idle Hands, Independence Day, Jerassic Park Movies in General, Karate Kid Movies in General, Kazaam, The Kindred, Labyrinth, Leprechaun Movies in General, Leviathan, Little Monsters, The Little Mermaid Movies in General, The Little Rascals, The Lord of the Rings In General, Madagascar, Me & Mac, Men In Black I & II, Mom and Dad Save the World, The Monster, Narnia, Nightmare on Elm Street And Freddie Movies in General, Ninja Turtles Movies in General, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Omen {2006}, Party Monster, Pirates of the Caribbean I & II: Dead Man's Chest, Powder, Robocop Movies in General Roger Rabbit, RV, Saw I & II, Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal Movies in General, Star Trek: Generations/The Next Generation and Star Trek Movies in General, Star Wars Movies in General, Street Fighter, Super Mario Bros., Tank Girl, Terminator Movies in General, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, The Thirteenth Ghost, The Thing, Ultra Violet, Underworld I & II, V for Vendetta, Van Helsing, Virus, Weird Science,What Dreams May Come, Zeiram....etc…- I want to see: Audition, Cradle of Fear, The Corpse Bride, The Descent, FF VII: Crisis Core, The Pulse, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Snakes on a Plane, Tamara, the Gene Generation, The Legend of Drizzt Made into Movies, Three...Extremes I & II, 28 Months Later, Bug, Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At Worlds End…etc…I don't even really care for the movie to much or the game....but I like the sign alot....


Berries and Cream Commercial....YES.The Discovery Show, Nature TV, Sci Fi, Dragon Ball Z/ GT, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Naruto, Thunder Cats, The Metal Station {More or so listening to it…but it is a station}, Disney {all the old cartoons like Ducktales, Chip 'n Dale Resuce Rangers, Goof Troop, Tail Spin, Care Bears…etc…}, Viva La Bam, Super Mario Bros. Super Show {that used to come on when I was like 7 or so but that’s gone now…they stopped airing that a long time ago}, Jimmy Kimel Live, Mind of Mencia, Night Line, The News…etc...mainly just Anime, Fiction, Science-Finction, Fantasy, Romance, Horror & Gore, Dark & Angelic...etc…I miss the X-Men Cartoon...alot....X-men TV Show BeginningI love ApocalypseKIRBY!!! (!.!){Tribute To Qirby by; SanninYugoFox}Invincible Qirby


My favorite book series' of all time are "The Legend of Drizzt" (Starting with The Dark Elf Trilogy & Homeland) by Robert Salvatore (R. A. Salvatore) {and any other thing to do with “The Drow” & Forgotten Realms; I love TSR...}, "The Last Vampire" by Christopher Pike, “The Lord of the Rings” & “The Hobbit” by J. R. R. Tolkien...etc...and besides that “The City of Ravens” – Forgotten Realms…mainly about the Dark & Angelic, Lycan & Vampiric, Horror, Romance, Fiction & and Fantasy, Also Manga…I enjoy Manga alot…etc..

....linger in the dream....


Myself, Music, My Feline-Daughter/Friend Lifil, My Bunny Matter, Friends, Robert Salvatore & Drizzt Do'Urden, Kirby, Presea Combatir, Vegeta...my favorite comic book/manga/Anime characters are Spawn, Batman, Venom, Carnage, Spiderman, Iron Man, Wolverine, Appocalypse, Angel & Arch-Angel {X-Men}, Gambit, The Huntress, Black Cat, Setsuna {Angel Sanctuary; Kurai; Rosiel...etc...