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Love's it! ♥

Janey Baby

About Me

*Mr T accent* I AINT NO PLAIN JANELayout made by Janey Paney at .o GaWd ErE wE Go LoL*gets ready 2 rite essay* Im NoT uR aVeRaGe TyPe Of GrL. I aInT hAvIn NuN oF tHiS gRlY sHyTe, WoT u C iS wOt U gEt, OoOoOoo lol sounded a tad moody there! :o I cAn B qUiTe ClEvEr WeN i WaNt 2b BuT i UsUaLlY cNt b AsKd LoL. Im NoT rElE a LaZy PeRsOn, But We AlL hAv OuR mOmEnTs ;) I lOvE 2 LoOk ThRu ThInGs AnD c TheM 4 WoT tHeY rElE r. So If I hApPeN 2 StArE @ u DoNt WoRrY i AiNt GoNnA dO nE fIn LoL iM jUsT iNvEsTiGaTiNg Ur FaCe AnD lOoKiNg DeEpEr In2 uR fEaTuReS :) I lOvE tO hAv FuN! FuN FuN aNd MoRe FuN! (CUM OWWWNN BITCH!) *whipps sum ass* aS i KeEp SaYiN i HaVe My HyPa MoMeNtS bUt If No1 iN tHIs WoRlD dId, WoT wUd wE Do? LoL iTs Da BeSt WaY 2 b! MaKeS lIfE mUcH mOrE wOrTh LiViNg! WEYHEY! ApPaReNtLy Im A bIt oF a JoKeR bUt U wOnT rElE c ThAt SiDe 2mE uNlEsS i No U aInT gOnNa HaTe :) I hAv A gOoD sEnSe Of HuMoUr. AlWaYs GiGgLiNg! (hence all the hehe's) Iv GoT a BiT oF a DiRtY mInD aSwEl, Do I hEaR nE cOmPlAiNtS? tHoUgHt NoT :P Im A vErY lOyAl PeRsOn, U cAn B mY fRiEnD bUt If U dO sOmEtHiNg 2 BeTRaY mE *snaps fingers* sTrAiGhT aWaY tHaT tRuSt Is GoNe. IN A FLASH! WOOOOOOOO lol. My FrIeNdS mEaN tHe WoRlD 2 Me. Id LiKe To SaY tHeY kNo mE bUt I dOnT tHiNk Ne1 tRuLy DoEs, NoT eVeN mYsElF. ThErE R tHiNgS tHaT i DoNt ThInK iL eVeR kNoW. eAcH fRiEnD kNoWs A dIfFeReNt ThInG aBoUt Me. FuNny BuT i NeVa AcTuAlLy ThoUgHt AbOUt ThAt TiLl NoW. *goes off in janey's dreamworld* Im A tAuRuS sO i GuESs MoSt Of WoT tHeY sAy Is TrUe! Im VeRy StUbBoRn, No1 mAkEs My MiNd Up BuT Me! I cAnT b SwAyEd B nE1 oR nEtHiN, uNlEsS tHaT pErSoN dOeS hAvE a BeTtEr ViEw ;) WuD mAkE sEnSe WuDnT iT hEhE. Im NoT xAcTlY tHe MoDeL tYpE (looks wise lol body shaped lyk an hour glass but uffa way rand!) bUt I bElIeVe ItS uR pErSoNaLiTy ThAt MaKeS u WoT u R. oF cOuRsE iM nOt GoNnA lIe, i Go 4 LoOkS aT 1st, iTs ThE nAtUrAl InStInCt 2! bUt WeN i GeT 2 KNo ThAt PeRsOn My ViEwS r BaSeD tOtAlLy On WhO tHeY r. BaSiCaLlY I dOnT cArE wOt U lOoK lIKe, WhErE uR fRoM, wOt U dO, aSlOnG aS uR a NiCe, KiNd, LoViNg PeRsOn! (lol, dont want much do i!) iT dOeSnT tAkE lOnG tO gEt My TrUsT, i TeNd To TrUsT pPl FRoM wOrD Go, UtHaWiSe Ur GoNnA b ThInKiN aLl SoRtS aNd ThEn WoTs ThE pOiNt In ThAt FrIeNdShIp? If U oPeN uP 2 mE iM mOrE tHeN hApPy To OpEn Up To U :) haha sounds a bit rude that did! iD lIkE tO tHiNk Im A nICe PeRsOn. I hOpE i Am! WeN iM aNgRy BeSt To StAy OuT oF mY wAy, I HaVe QuItE a TeMpEr On Me! Iv BiN kNoWn To Do CrAzY sTuFf BuT iM nOt GoNnA tElL u, Ul HaV 2 TrUsT mE oN tHat 1 hEhE. eRm......? HaV i CoVeReD iT aLl YeT? rItIn ThiS rElE mAkEs U tHiNk DoEsNt It! O yE! I lOvE mUsIc! i LoVe ThE fEeLiNg WeN tHe BeAt Of ThE mUsIc AcTUaLlY vIbEs ThRu U! iM aLwAyS sInGiN n DaNcIn! dOiN mA lIl JiG! i LoVe KiDs, I wAnT tO b A sOcIaL wOrKeR oR a SpEcIaL nEeDs CaReR, i LoVe HeLpInG pPl OuT. iTs SuCh A lOvLeY fEeLiNg tO kNoW tHaT uR 1 oF tHe PpL tHaT pErSoN cAn TrUsT aNd ThEy C u As ThE pErSoN 2 hElP tHeM wIv ThEiR pRoBlEmS. It SeEmS 2 Me ThAt We SpEnD oUr WhOlE lIvEs LoOkIn 4lOvE, iF wE dOnT fInD iT wE bEcOmE dEpReSsEd. If We Do FiNd It WeRe HaPpY aT 1St BuT bEcOmE dEpReSsEd YeT aGaIn. So BaSiCaLlY wOtS tHe PoInT iN lIvIn? BuT tHeN aGaIn WhEn YoU fInD tHe ReAl ThInG yOu FeEl DiFfErEnTlY. eRm......? *taps hed and thinks* LoL i ReLe CaNt ThInK oF nE tHiN eLsE aT tHe MoMeNt, GuEsS iTs GdNiTe! byeeeeeeee! *waves* P.s: BIG UP ALL DA PPL THAT READ THE WHOLE FING! HAHA I FELL ASLEEP MYSELF A FEW TIMES!
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?

My Interests

My Thoughts

My Words

My Life

Stop judging my image...

Look for the beauty within.
*gurgles* All fings brite n beautiful all creatures great n' small! Im interested in avin pot loads of fun! Lemme see.. Motorbikes. Shopping. Dancing. SEXIN. Fairies. Mermaids. Glitter. Bouncy castles. 3

I'd like to meet:

Fun n crazy peopling but no dirty old men thanks! *puts party hat on n shakes salt onto chips* I'd also like to meet a mermaid that would like to dance the hoke coke under the shimmering seaWWW.PICZO.COM/FUNKYMERMAIDONLEMONFANTAEdit your Friend's list with Top Friends Generator of

113 Love me, That's hot!. x

















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Yesterday you asked me something i thought you knew, so i told you with a smile it's all about you. Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too. Said you make my life worth while, its all about you... and i would answer all your wishes if you asked me to but if you deny me one of your kisses i don't know what i'd do. So hold me close and say 3 words like you used to do... dancing on the kitchen tiles it's all about you. Its all about you... its all about you baby. It's all about you... it's all about you!..Choonz=love's it!


Ancient movies r the sex! Nuffin like sittin in the bk row frictioning to a black n white film. HMMMM, HMMMMMM? WOTS THAT U SAY?! SPEAK UP! HMMMMM? Yer i thought thats wot u mite say lol. I got absofuckinlootley loadz of fav filmz but here r my top 3..*drum roll plz* ...Dirty Dancing The little mermaid Overboard


Yes its official.. im a couch potato *ponders* maybe a mash couch potato becoz i def cnt b a jacket couch potato, im never cold enuf to wear one! I do like my soapz speshlly ollyoaks O yess must av a bit of that on a daily basis! And of course the sexilicious paul o' grady ♥ him!


Fairytales. Stil believe in them. Will always believe in them.


My heroes would have to be people that are exactly who they are and don't put on a front for no-one. You shouldn't have to act up for anyone, be brave and be yourself. If other people don't like it then fuck it.ELVIS... one of the best music artists to ever live