iloveyuh ♥ profile picture

iloveyuh ♥

i am in love with you . yu set me free ; i cant do this thinq called life without you here with me.

About Me

wifed up(;
mariah. fourteen. in a relationship. since (82708] i qot 6 true friendsz. i wish it was O6' & O7' aqain. aqe aint nothinq but a number. love|hate relationship with my life. lotta broadsz hate on me. im puerto rican . & itsz qreat . not conceited , just confident . i love my cellphone . love ma freakinq qoonsz (= McDonalsz & pepsi = love ♥ qonna jock ? qeet the fkc off my paqe. i love babiesz. btw → i want eiqht kidsz. wanna know more? aw tht sucksz ; cause yer not , lOl. peace peace ; two bottlesz of hair qreece .

My Interests

__________naviqation__________ * *

I'd like to meet:

start hatinqNOW! (:


musiqq * (;
my confession to life (; !


[82708] love it when yu kiss meh baby ♥
i love this boy so much. wordsz cant express what you mean to me . literally. your seriously the only reason why i wanna wake up in the morninq . we qet into the worst arquments ever , but at the end of each one , theresz alwaysz an i love you baby. and thtsz why i fall more in love with you each day . i always ask myself , how much lonqer can i do this love shit ? , but yu make me wanna keep on qoin . we're like paper & qlue , we stick toqether throuqh thick and thin , fall apart when yu tear apart. the timesz tht we're toqether . we most likely make the best out of it . your anqer terrifiesz me with a passion. everytime he's anqry my heart fallsz out my ass in fear of our relationship qoin into the drain . because life without him is black & white . he hasn't fully discovered that im in love with him . or hasn't discovered that , i cant live without him . alot of people dnt want us toqether . but that showsz usz tht , we're in this toqether . and need no one . yeah , we had our really bad break-upsz . we had our very bad arquements . but that only tellsz usz who we're bout . and he's one real ass niqqa & wont bite hisz tonqe for shit . lol . i wish we could see eachohter more ; but dont worry baby , i know we'll work these problemsz we're havinq out . ♥ i love you babyface.
text messaqe from "hubbby<3" at 1:O9 , october 16,2OO8: baby i love you so much