Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
LaNi Is A lItTlE bIt CoUnTrY aNd DiAnNe Is A lItTlE bIt RoCk & rOlL. LaNi- I lIkE R&b SuCh As MaRy J. bLiGe, NeYo AnD LyFe JeNnInGs...PrEtTy MuCh AnYtHiNg ThAt SoUnDs GoOd, IsLaNdEr MuSiC, CoUnTrY, HiP hOp, PoP aNd AlTeRnAtIvE rOcK. DiAnNe- I lIkE aLl TyPeS oF mUsiC fRoM tHe BeAtLeS, eLtOn JoHn, TiNa TuRnEr, ChEr, ThE uSeD, tHe MuSe, DaShBoArD, dEaThCaB, PaTd, McR, nEyO, mArY j. BliGe, TiM mCgRaW, dEaNnA cArTeR, pOsTaL sErViCe, BoN jOvI and BeLiEvE mE mUcH mUcH mOrE!!! oH yEah, I lOvE hOuSe MuSiC!!!!!
AnChOrMaN- "What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing!" ZoOlAnDeR- "At the Derek Zoolander Center For Children Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, we teach you that there's more to life than being really, really good looking" NaPoLeOn DyNaMiTe- "It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic." ...and BoOnDoCk SaInTs, DoNnIe DaRkO, ThE jAcKeT, a LeAgUe Of ThEiR OwN, tHe LaBrYnTh, ThE DaRk CrYsTaL, sEcReT oF tHe NyMn, SoLaR bAbIeS, cLuElEsS, tHe GoOnIeS, aLmOsT fAmOuS, sTaNd By Me, SeVeN bRiDeS fOr SeVeN bRoThErS, 40yR oLd ViRgiN, pUlP fIcTiOn, FeAr AnD lOaThInG, LeAvInG lAs VeGaS, fIgHt ClUb, GoOdFeLlAs, BlOw, AnImAl HoUsE, oFfIcE sPaCe & ThE sAnDlOt
tHe L wOrD, tHe WiRe, BiG lOvE, sOpRaNoS, cSi LaS vEgAs, LaW & oRdEr, SuRvIvOr (ozzy should have won), AmErIcA's ToP mOdEl, AmErIcAn IdOl, ThE vIcToRiA sEcReT fAsHiOn ShOw (even though its once a year! one word ADRIANA), tHe OfFiCe, My NaMe Is EaRl, ThE fAmIly GuY, sOuTh PaRk, and ThE sImPsOnS
MeMoIrS oF a GeIsHa, ThE wAy oF tHe GuN, tHe NoTeBoOk, and AlL StEpHeN kInG. Also one of my favorite books is American Pop Art... featuring one of my favorite artists Mark Ryden
~God brings people into each other's lives for one of three purposes
~A reason, a season, or for life
~We may not know why at the time
~But take each encounter with a lesson to be learned
~Live for the day and forget about tomorrow
~Death can visit anytime of hour
~Live life to the fullest with no regrets
~Who knows where the path may lead
~It may lead into a time of heartache and pain
~But eventually laughter and love will follow...
Make video montages at
My SiStEr BeCaUsE sHe Is BeAuTiFuL iNsIdE aNd OuT. shE kNoWs WhAt ShE wAnTs AnD iSnT aFrAiD tO gO fOr It. ShE iS tHe BaCkBoNe Of OuR fAmIlY, hOnEsTlY i ThInK tHaT wItHoUt HeR mY fAmIlY pRoBaBlY wOuLdNt EvEr CoMe ToGeThEr. I lOvE yOu SiS!
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor