*.:.iT's LiKe ThAt CaN't EaT, CaN't SLeEp, ReAcH for ThE .:'*StArS*':., OvEr ThE FeNcE
ChAnNiNg TaTuM... i'm OBSESSED with him and the movie StEp Up. nobody really seems to get it. lol.
i like all music...i like r&b and hip hop, rap...and CoUnTrY and pop and rock! just about anything thats good!...which is everythin! lol! MoStLy anythin i can DaNcE to LoVe to DaNcE LiKe NoBoDy'S WaTcHiN! my favorite songs right now are...what hurts the most, buttons, bossy, gallery and a WhOLe BuNcH more.
i LOVE the Notebook, BAD BOYS II, Mean GuRls, ALaDDiN, PeTeR PaN..*TiNK* THE LION KING, Finding NEMO and BeAuTy and the BeAsT!...basically ANY DISNEY MOVIE!!!....................
So basically...i LOVE the real world..i'm addicted, i love ChArMeD...it's me and my sis' FaVoRiTe!! lol! umm DoRa the ExPlOrEr, LaGuNa BeAcH and That's So RaVeN... i LOVE the Disney channel lol!.......................
GOD...who's AWESOME! My MOM, My dad, My baby sis...4 bein able to LoVe everyone!, my baby Kara and her whole family....for bein some of the nicest people i kno! And ALL of my FrIeNdS....for bein the BeSt FrIeNdS ANYONE could EVER ask foR! i LOVE all of yall! and yall truly are My HeRoEs!! lol! thanks 4 EVERYTHING!
*yOu AlWaYs SaId HoW LuCkY wE wErE tHaT wE wErE aLL FrIeNdS...bUt iT wAs Us, BaBy... WhO WeRe ThE LuCkY oNeS...* ~RENT~
Mrs. Scott, you were an amazing teacher and a BeAuTiFuL, BeAuTiFuL woman outside and in! i LoVe you for everything you did for all of your students and i miss you! please rest in peace!
i look retarded here but you still look BeAuTiFuL with the 12 pencils in your hair :>! this was my last day in your class last year. :< ♥
i LoVe aLeX EbErT!!! he is my HeRo for always bein there to help me * in EnGLiSh* lol! and he's always an AwEsOmE FrIeNd!!!*****i LoVe These gurls... aLLiSoN and LiVV *MUAH*