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The Action Man

Trust me, I've done the math... and there's nothing I can do about it.

About Me

Hello there! My name is Marcus if you didn't know already, and well this page contains some nuggest of who I am:
If I had a life motto it probably would be this: "Don't limit yourself, just know your limits".
Just your average nerdy kick back kinda guy. I try not to dwell in the past, nor do I worry about the future... my time frame is 5 days back, today, and 5 days ahead, that's the zone where live I at.
Some of my best friends describe me as smart and intellectual. I'm really not. I do give many things considerable thought, but only voice my opinion and thoughts when I'm asked. I'm a quiet guy, I'm not one of those people who like to hear the sound of their own voice.
Ironically a lot of strangers describe me as a smart and great guy if I lost some weight. One of these days I'll have to figure out the connection between intellect, great personality, and weight. Must have something to do with gravity???
Seriously, if you want to know something about me, just ask me, I'll give ya a response. If you don't want to ask, just read my blogs, they can provide some insight into who I am. Be sure to check out my older blogs as well.
My Life Transcript would go something like this: 0 to 7 Average Childhood, these were happy days.
Age of 8 Father passes. I knew nothing of death until then.
9 to 12 Niave Childhood, more happy days.
13 to 18 High School: Confusion, Angst, Learning, Depression, the start of my Identity.
19 to 23 Young Adult: Depression, Self-Hatred, Lack of Direction, but found Introspection.
23 to 27 Party Scene: Acceptance of Myself, Acceptance of Life, Acceptance of Others.
28 to 29 Picked up my broken pieces and reassembled myself, Maturity of my Identity.
Age of 30 Return of Saturn: Diagnosed with Diabetes, grew into an Adult...began my metamorphosis. Lost my sense of Immortality.(see my blog)
Age of 31 Metamorphosis: Embarked on a new leg of my journey. Learned to live and love again (see blog).
Age 32 Reality: Cynicism eroded away my Idealism and revealed to me the inconvenient Truth.
Current Obsession : The Truth

No use trying to fight it, you're an eight-sided die, a d8. A fine example of simple elegance, the d8 is one of the least appreciated types of dice, and is often neglected. You are known to be quiet and shy, outward traits that conceal viscous sarcasm and mean wit. You are very smart, yet wise enough to hide your intelligence the quicker they found out how smart you are, the sooner they'll put you to work, which is something you can do without. People call you dark and pessimistic, or moody and cynical. You find little point in arguing.

Take the quiz at

The Movie Of Your Life Is Film Noir
So what if you're a little nihilistic at times?
Life with meaning is highly over-rated.
Your best movie matches: Sin City, L. A. Confidential, Blade Runner If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?

My Interests

Friends and Family I appreciate my family and friends a whole lot more now that I am older. They all don't have MySpace pages, which is a shame, but the ones that do are with me here. My friends and family fill a hole in my life, and without them, I would just eventually become a hollow and bitter man. I owe them more than they'll ever know. And few among them (and you know who you are) can truly bring within me a "centering" and "peace" that I never experience without their presence. Those in particular, I owe you my life.

Table Top RPGs (also referred to PnP) mainly Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, and Vampire (Modern or Dark Ages). I am the one usually GMing, but I appreciate playing in a good game a whole lot as well.

School On my new leg of my journey, I have decided to start school again, after a 12 year absence. I'm starting slow, making sure this is for me, but I'm very optimistic that this is the choice I want.
Entertainment Media Television, Radio, and Movies. A good TV series is just like a good book series (continuity always pays off. Yes I said it, TV is now as good as literature (the right shows at least)(see Television below).

Music, Concerts, & Raves I love music, especially live. KROQ (see Music section below)

Wake Up by The Arcade Fire
Favorite quote from this Song:
"Now that, I'm older... my heart's colder, and I can see that it's a lie"

For Reasons Unknown by The Killers
Favorite quote from this Song:
"I'm a little bit older, I'm a little bit colder"

World of Warcraft!
I play on the (RP-PvP) server Emerald Dream with a Horde Druid named Sharptalon
I have a retired Alliance Rogue named Borys on the Argent Dawn realm (RP-PvE) ever since Blizzard nerfed the rogue class and sent out the memo to reroll.

I've played several old MMORPGs in the past. On Star Wars Galaxies I played a wookiee named Gore'rac on the Naritus galaxy. Still looking for my old peeps from those years. On the old Everquest, I played a monk named Edgruberman on the Innoruuk server. And on Ultima Online I played Morden on Napa Valley.

Comedy Comedians totally rule! George Carlin, Lewis Black, Chris Rock, just to name a few. Their stand up and comedy bits never fails to make me laugh out loud. I wish I could find more time to head over to the Comedy & Magic Club or to the Improv.
Here is Lewis Black lecturing the fallacy of the Bible and Faith:

Wine Tasting I've recently explored this new hobby of mine. I really enjoy a glass of wine.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people who can discuss ideas and philosophies. Those who are willing to share their story, no matter if they feel it isn't enough. Everyone's story deserves merit.
Artists (musicians, writers, sculpters, painters, etc.) They have such a unique vision, and when they share that vision they posses such passion. I just want to hear, see, feel, what they want to share.
People who can accept that "Bad things happen to Good People for no reason. And Good things happen to Bad people for no reason."
Women who Cosplay, they're so hot


I can honestly say music is an intrinsic part of me. I am always listening to music no matter where I am. From when I wake up, to my car, at work (if I can), until I go to sleep. I can always find a part of song I can relate to, where even one line of the lyrics ring true to some part of my life.
I mainly listen to Alternative Rock, Modern Rock, 80's and Trance (and other forms of Electonica). Personally I love going to concerts and raves, exposure to live music is just amazing and awesome. To feel the energy of the band, and the energy from its fans is such powerful experience to be a part of. It does lend more to the song once you've experienced live and in person. I listen to KROQ the local station here in SoCal.
Great musicians that I would actually buy CDs for instead of downloading would include:
Foo Fighters
Depeche Mode
Linkin Park
The Killers
Tori Amos
The Cure
Dave Matthews Band
Christopher Lawrence
Paul Oakenfold
Recently Attended Concerts:
KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas 2007 Night #1
KROQ LA Invasion 2007
Family Values 2007 (w/ Korn & Evanessence)
311 & Matisyahu
The Police
Morrisey @ the Hollywood Bowl
KROQ Weenie Roast 2007
KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas Night #2 2006
AFI @ Long Beach sports arena
Foo Fighters @ The Pantages
KROQ Weenie Roast 2006 @ Verizon Amphitheatre
Coldplay @ The Anaheim Pond
KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas night #2 2005


Sci-Fi Genre
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Spider-Man 1 & 2
X-Men 1 & 2
Alien and Aliens
The Incredibles
Star Wars Episodes 1 - 6
Dune (both Theatrical and Scif-Fi)

Kevin Smith flicks of the View Askew Universe: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks 2 (Aka Passion of the Clerks)
Tommy Boy
Mystery Men
The Three Amigos
Groundhog Day
and the Monty Python movies.

Indiana Jones Trilogy
Sin City
Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2

Little Miss Sunshine
Pulp Ficition
Requiem for a Dream
Mullholand Drive
Lost in Translation
Fight Club
Donnie Darko
Blue Velvet


I am SO addicted to TV these days. I tend to follow the Sci-Fi / Fantasy genres, but also good action oriented drama and of course comedy.
My current list of must see these days are:
Prision Break
Californication (this show is so well written)
The Shield
Rescue Me
30 Days
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Pushing Daisies (show is amazing!)
South Park
Drawn Together
The Office
My Name is Earl
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar Galactica (new)
Doctor Who (old and new)
The Simpsons
Family Guy
American Dad
These are the ones I try to catch:
Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Colbert Report
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
The Venture Brothers
Robot Chicken
DVD Seasons I Highly Recommend:
Babylon 5
The Shield
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(can you tell I'm a Joss Whedon fan?)
Stargate SG1
The Wire
Arrested Development


I rarely get the opportunity to read any good literature, most of my reading time is spent reading the various RPG Gaming Books rolled off the press.
The last series of books that I did read, and felt strongly to encourage others to read are the books by Daniel Quinn.
The Story of B
My Ishmael
These books lay out key notes on our culture, our species. Why we are they way we are. How we got to this point. When it all changed. Where are we heading as a species.
They are a quick and interesting read, and if I had to convince someone to read a good series, it would be this series.
Another good book about life in general and all it's obstacles is something by Sheldon Kopp called,

If You Meet Budha on the Road, Kill Him!
This book is extremely intiguing, it basically lays out life. If I had read this book 10 years ago, in all honesty, I may have understood it, but not "get it". I recommend anyone who is 30+ pick it up, and give it a good read.
I had the opportunity to read the book:
The Assault on Reason by Al Gore.
This contains a well know, but still insightful outlook of why things have become muddled with the American Public. Trust me, everyone is at fault here, and this book begins to outline to how get back on track.
The book I am currently attempting to read is:
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski


J. Michael Straczynski for showing us that Television can portray Literature.
Frank Warren for starting PostSecret

and of course the Sad Panda

My Blog

Summer Wrap Up

After finishing a grueling semester in the spring of 07, I did not have the energy nor the conviction to enroll in a summer class.  Instead I took this summer to rejuvenate and attend to the othe...
Posted by The Action Man on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:06:00 PST

Weddings & Wine

       I've just spent the last two weeks enjoying my life, my family, Sonoma's wine, fretting over finals, Morrisey's glory days, and accepting what all that means for m...
Posted by The Action Man on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:14:00 PST

Exiled to the Lawn

Okay, ticket scalping has gone too far.  I had access to the KROQ Weenie Roast pre-sale, but of course those sold out in 5 secs.  Either everyone in SoCal is a member, or of course scalpers ...
Posted by The Action Man on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:48:00 PST

The Bard's Tale of Camelot

The Bard's Tale of Camelot   Today I heard the Bard's Tale of a story so grand! He spoke a tale of the great Camelot and it's land, The Court of John & Jackie; Arthur & Guinevere Where h...
Posted by The Action Man on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:26:00 PST

The Intersecting Point of Philosophy, Religion, Algebra, and the Self.

I had one of those out of the blue conversations you have with strangers at Starbucks, you know the ones that draw heavily upon belief and opinion, that you typically end up having at Starbucks. ...
Posted by The Action Man on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:31:00 PST

Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene Glycol Ethylene Glycol, so sweet and intoxicating, I am drawn in by your spiraling flavor. A comforting presence I cannot refuse ingesting. Your inviting sweetness entices my palette, Crying ...
Posted by The Action Man on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:02:00 PST

A Close Call

A little before Christmas I received a very frightening call from my mother.  She sounded so very afraid it frightened even me.  She began to tell me that she felt numb and disoriented, and ...
Posted by The Action Man on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:57:00 PST

Rest In Peace Clyde

We said good bye to our family dog, Clyde. He was with us for 17 years, and boy was he the luckiest dog alive. Filled with ignorant bliss, and innocence. He gave us unconditional love and we gave t...
Posted by The Action Man on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 01:48:00 PST

Whisper on the wind

Whisper on the Wind Today I heard her wisper on the wind from a life I had long ago, ran away Memories rekindled in kind regret of a mistake, all this time. I heard your single word today wonderi...
Posted by The Action Man on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 11:34:00 PST


  The Winds of Change, The Road Less Traveled, Changing Gears, all of these expressions herald change in a person's life.  I prefer the term Transition, simple single world that could repres...
Posted by The Action Man on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:51:00 PST