I<e!\!d/\LL profile picture


i LoVE trAvi!!

About Me

i aM goInG tO bE A fReSHmaN iN CoLLegE aNd I pLAy sOftBaLL. i LoVe MY paREnTs anD mY oLDeR broTHeR aND sIsTEr! My BoYFrIeNdS NaME iS tRaViS aND wE HAvE bEEn toGethEr FoR 3 yEArs. He Is My BEsT fRiEnd AnD tHE mOsT amaZiNg PErsOn I'vE eVeR mEt. i aM sO HaPPy!I LOVE: surprises, the lake, scrapbooking, dogs, taking pictures, looking at pictures like a thousand times!, holding hands, sliding, getting dirty, laying out, flip-flops, little kids, laughing until i cry, eating, and being busy.I DONT LOVE: spiders, doing the dishes, shaving my legs, fake people, bird poop on my car, to see people fight, meatloaf, soccer, homework, cats, drugs, and rainy days.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
What Your Underwear Says About You
When you're bad, you're very bad. And when you're good, you're still trouble!
You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty. The Underwear Oracle
I got my layout from WhateverLife
You are a Great Girlfriend
When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! Are You a Good Girlfriend?
He is a Man
You have yourself a perfect gentleman and a total keeper
Your guy almost always acts appropriately
He's probably even very upstanding when you're not around
There's no boy left in your boyfriend - he's all man! Is He A Boy or a Man?
You Are Low Rise Jeans
You are both sexy and casual - the type of girl who looks hot without really trying.
You tend to spark imagination, only showing a peek of your skin. What Style of Jeans Are You?
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?

My Interests

i LIkE tO pLaY NIntEnDo, cAtCH pHRase, wORk oN mY sCraPBooK, aND pLaY oUTsiDe!

I'd like to meet:

i WouLD lOvE tO mEEt JeSSiCa SiMPsoN!!!


CoUNtRy iS mY FavORiTE bUt I liKE RAp ToO!Pussycat Dolls : Stickwitu / GJPix


lOnGeSt YaRD!!


fULL hoUsE, SeveNTh HeAVen, BOy MeetS wOrLD, LagUna BeaCH, ReAl woRlD
You are Lauren!

Which Laguna Beach Cast Member are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


THe SiStErhOoD of ThE tRaveLiNg PaNTs, HaRrY PoTteR
Tootsie Roll Pop
It only takes three licks to get to your center! What Kind of Candy Are You?


sPiDeR MaN!